Chapter 10

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                        Chapter 10 | Punishments                                                                      ❀

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                        Chapter 10 | Punishments

𝐖𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 after a long, tense car ride. Not a word was spoken between us the entire journey back. The weight of unspoken emotions hung heavily in the air, and I couldn't help but feel the lingering tension between Cole and me. As we stepped through the front door, we were greeted by Katherine. Her piercing gaze fell upon us, and she wasted no time in addressing our drunken states.

"Where were you guys?" she questioned, her tone a mix of concern and disapproval. She pointed at both Cole and me, her expression stern as she noted the smell of alcohol off us. "You guys smell like alcohol, so I'm guessing a party," she stated the obvious. Without further ado, she directed Danny and me to our rooms, while instructing Cole to stay put with her.


The following morning, I awoke with a pounding headache, the events of the previous night's making themselves known in my head. As I made my way downstairs, I found Katherine in the kitchen. "Good morning," she greeted me, her tone softening as she noticed my state. "Feeling rough, I see. I've got a whole list of chores for you to do as punishment," she said, nodding toward the stack of tasks. "It's for Cole aswell," she added. "I'm sorry," I muttered, feeling the weight of regret settling in.

"Blair, you're my responsibility now," Katherine said, her voice gentle yet firm. "I can't have anything happen to you, so next time, please just tell me, okay?" Her words agreed with me, and I nodded in understanding, appreciating her care and concern.


As I started on the assigned chores, I retreated to my room to pack Katherine's art supplies. During the quiet task, a knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I opened it to find Alex standing there, a hint of awkwardness in his motions. "Umm, hey," he began, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just wanted to talk about last night."

"Sure, what about it?" I replied, trying to hide my confusion. "I was pretty wasted last night, not gonna lie, so can't remember much," I added with a laugh, attempting to lighten the mood and his sudden awkwardness.

"It's about you trying to kiss me," Alex blurted out, catching me completely off guard.

The sentence left me speechless.


💕 Authors Note 💕
Thank you guys so much, this book has officially reached 1k views which means so much to me for my first book. I'm trying to update as much as I can especially over Xmas so keep an eye out for updates thanks again!! Keeping reading and voting x

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