Yejun, who had heard his brother yell and ran up as fast as he could, and his father, who had just gotten back home, went to help Yoongi get up but he didn't want to, not while his papers were on the floor. He wanted to gather as many pieces as possible so he tried. He tried but his arm was being a little bitch and couldn't let him be as fast as he wanted to be but he still did it

Sora: Yoongi....

He didn't feel like he collected enough but he couldn't stay here any longer, he wants to cry but he can't cry here, he's not crying here. And with that his tears were choking him and to let them out he had to be out of this house's compound

So he got up, ran down, grabbed his bag, stuffed his papers in his bag, held his keyboard tightly and ran out


His family ran after him but once they got downstairs he was outside and once they got outside he had already left


She couldn't even finish her sentence before she choked on her tears. She didn't mean to do that, she tried not to, truly, but she just couldn't take it anymore


Yoongi kept running and running and running until he felt like he was far enough (he was also tired but anyways back to being emotional)

He stopped and didn't even look up he let his tears flow, he didn't care for the people who were passing by, if he couldn't cry here he couldn't cry anywhere

And ofcourse they were people glancing at him worriedly, it was dark outside. I mean yes it was just 6pm but it's in winter, it's dark by 4 or 5pm. One of the reasons his family was worried for him running out alone. 'Does he even know where he's going?' They wondered

Well he started asking himself the same thing after crying. First off, where is he? Second off, where does he plan on staying for the night, cause he sure as hell wasn't going back, if there isn't a place he can think of, there's definitely enough materials in his bag for him to sleep in an alleyway

That's how bad he was sure he wasn't going back-

Oh wait, the Kim brothers live near-by, he knows them since they were in their mothers' wombs so asking them to stay for one night won't be that much of a hustle..... atleast he hopes

He then got up and after examining his surroundings he realized he wasn't that far from his house nor was he far from the Kim's house, he was at the bus stop they used to take when they were in high-school.... the good old days

After recognizing his surroundings he started making his way towards his friends' (more like brothers from another mother) house


Yejun: mom why would you do that...

Sora couldn't even begin to form a sentence because of the tears that were continously flowing down her face and the guilt that was eating her every organ

Sora: I- I don't..... I don't know but I didn't mean it I swear I didn't mean it I didn't-

Yejun looked at his mother with sad eyes and sighed deciding it wasn't a great time to ask questions, he then plopped down on the couch while his father comforted Sora

Sora: I couldn't take it anymore I tries not to I did but I'm worried for his future

Yejun: I know mom but music is his dream

Sora: and my dream is for my son to not be in harms way and his talent to not be exploited

Sangchul: we understand dear but don't you think you should've talked to him about that instead of ruining his music that he worked hard on

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