I cry in his arms as he carries me through the house and into the bedroom before laying down with me, his hand sliding under the back of my sweater to rub up and down my back, soothing me.

"She—She— It's—" I stutter, the sobs taking over.

Harry presses his lips to my forehead, his fingers tangling into my hair as he pulls my head down to his chest. "Hey, hey... We can talk in a little bit, okay? Just cry with me. Let yourself feel what you need to feel, Logan. I'm right here."

I nod as I continue to let the tears fall, as I continue to hold onto him like my only form of salvation during the darkest times I've ever known.

"I love you." His lips brush along my temple, repeating the words over and over as we lay in the dark room. "I'm here, I always will be."

Nodding, his arms pull me even closer as he lets me grieve.

Two weeks ago we were in this room after we got back from a company dinner, only the need to show each other how much we loved each other.

How much we trusted each other.

Now, here we are expressing the same sentiments over a much different situation. The depth of how much we care about each other knows no bounds.

Reminding me how Harry somehow managed to be the person who gave me the love I never knew that I needed.

That I craved.

As if I needed a reminder how much I felt like my soul was made for his.

It feels like something I've always known.

I thought we had no chance.

Yet here we are, loving each other.

When it's hard and when it's easy.



The last thing I want to do is help with this wedding.

Over the last two weeks I feel like I've been going through the motions. Anything that could make everyone else around me feel like I'm doing alright.

I'm not.

Everyday feels like living at the end of a nightmare, you know the part where you're hanging by the ledge and waiting to wake up?

The part where you know that it's not real and beg yourself to get up— to keep going.

"Maybe I shouldn't go." Dusting blush over the apples of my cheeks, my eyes find Harry in the mirror as he leans against the doorway. "What if something happens?"

"Logan, what did your mom tell you?" Crossing his arms over his chest, he raises an eyebrow in my direction.

Letting out a sigh, I place the brush where it goes before picking up my earrings and fastening them. "That I needed to not worry about her and go to the wedding."

"I know you'll worry and that's okay, but you deserve to let yourself breathe." He gives me a smile, relieving the anxious feeling in my chest. "If it makes you feel better, I'm coming by the venue to pick up the arbor."

A couple of days ago he finally delivered the octagon shaped piece he built for Lauren's clients.

It was stunning.

"You are?" Hope blooms in my chest just like it always does when I know that I'll see him. "Do you know what time?"

Shaking his head and tucking his hands in his pockets, I turn to face him. "I'm not sure. Lauren said she would text me when I could come and get it."

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