『Insert the title cuz i cant think of any』

Start from the beginning


I was going to ask what organisation The Seven was but it seems her matters were far more important.


I looked around me, an exploded building and nothing else except dirt and a Scara on the floor.

I should wake him up..

"Hey..Scara..!" I whispered in his ear.

"Scara! Scara!"

Hmm...how should I wake him up.

"Halt! Who are you!!"


Inazuman soldiers surrounded me with spears.

"I wasn't the one that bombed down the building I swear-"

"Ha! Who said you were the one that bombed it down..?"

Fuck...they got me.

What do I do, what do I do!?

"You are now under arrest. Please cooperate and come with us and nobody gets hurt."


"Ha! Well..not today, my apologies."


"See ya!"

I stood up and with all my energy I picked Scara up abs carried him on my shoulders then making a run for it.


"I can't sir! I have to go! I'm really sorry!"
I shouted back whilst running with Scara on my shoulders.

Wait..why am I apologising?

As I ran, I almost fell and Scara woke up from all the chaos.

"..ka..zu- ha?"
He yawned.

"Finally you're awake sleeping beauty!! Great timing there!"
I said sarcastically while avoiding a tree root from the ground.


"Ugh...just wake up already.."

"I am!"

Then he proceeded to stand up, forgetting that he was on my shoulders, he fell of and landed on the ground.

His legs then entangled with mine and we both ended up falling over.



For seconds we both layed on the ground.

"Oww...my head.." Scara whined.

"Thats all your fault!"

"Shut up..." He groaned.

Then we heard yells from the distance coming closer.

"The soldiers...their catching up.."

"Soldiers!?" Scara asked me.

"We are getting chased."

He turned to me and looked at me as if to say "are you serious right now!?"

The soldiers stopped and one pointed his spear right at my face.

"Ah!" I yelped and unconsciously clinged onto Scara.


"Hey! You guys!"
A voice shouted.


There he is!!

"Ah! Mister Heizou!" The soldiers said.

Mister Heizou!? What the hell!?

『A Blessing Even A Puppet Would Ask For』Where stories live. Discover now