CH- 6- I am the Villain

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WARNING: Mention of Suicide, unsuitable language, depression and past trauma. 


[Luca P.O.V] 

It was like I was falling a void, but there was no end, just falling into nothingness. I had to be on my toes all the time. I couldn't move a muscle, for some reason. I was conscious, but I was tired and shocked. I relied on my hearing for everything. I heard muffled voices from the waiting area, one which belonged to Keith and a female voice? I was not sure who it was, but I am guessing it was nurse or a receptionist. The door clicked open slowly and footsteps came in, the doctor I suppose? after losing Keith, I  have nobody.  

I heard the visitor's stool being dragged, huh, now he's just being mean. He took a seat next to me and began.  "I know, I am wrong, I don't want to be talking about this while you are asleep either, but I just needed to get this off my chest. I want you to yell at me, punch me, shake me, do whatever just don't stay quiet." Wait, its Keith's voice, he came to visit me, I don't know why as I am pretty sure he said he hated me. I caused him pain, I doubted his loyalty. I am the villain.

He continued "I am sorry, Luca, I really am. For everything you went through, I made you a side character and made you feel left out. I should've been there for you, I don't deserve your forgiveness. I really am despicable, I know that, the words by him still replay in my mind, once every now and then." My closed eyes started to fill up, causing my blank vision to blur. I wanted to get up and hug him, but I could barely move my eyelids. Somehow, I had the energy to say- "Its okay, Keith." I suppose he was confused because then I heard hiccups and sobbing. "Luca- I- no, I- need you- please-speak to me-I am sorry- I-I am pathetic, a-and I-I don't-t des-serve t-t-o be forgiven-n. I-I know. I a-am sorry. Please jus s-speak to me." He stuttered a lot and kept his hand warm on my shoulder. I couldn't stop my tear from reaching his hand, nor did I wanted to. I wanted him to know, that its not his fault. I was a side character from the first few seconds of my life. It didn't matter anymore cause after meeting you, I couldn't care less if I was seen or not. If I was ignored or not. If I was cared about or not. I don't matter, Keith. 

He sobbed once more and said "Luca, you are alive, I am glad. I am not sure if you can hear me or not, or you are just going through a bad dream, but please try waking up. He lifted his hand off of my shoulder and his tear fell on my cheek. It was enough energy and belief for me to wake up. 

[Keith P.O.V] 

I let my tear drop on his face, I wanted him to know, that I never spent a day without thinking how he was, and how he still is. I wanted to believe that he isn't dead, its too soon. The doctor said it'll take him a few days or even weeks to get up, but I am ready to wait that long. I still held my head low, when suddenly I felt a hand patting my head, to comfort me. I looked up to see Cat-like green eyes looking at me with comforting eyes. The soothing cat-like aura surrounding me. Bright red lips curled into a smile and wet cheeks with trails of dry tears. His hair was a bright shade of blonde, that shined in the darkness of the room. I got up, and hugged him, and he hugged me back. 

[Rachel P.O.V] 

It has been an hour since Keith went inside. I never thought it'll take him so long. I shouldn't have told him that I'd wait for him no matter if it takes him 10 minutes or 10 days. I just wanted to be supportive, even if I hated his guts with all my might. It doesn't seem like I hate him, but I just have a special place for people crying. Whenever I see them, I get the sudden urge to relieve them and tell them everything is gonna be okay. I can't stand it when someone's in pain, let it be the person I love or hate the most. 

I heard muted sobs from inside the room, but it was none of my business. I put my hand in my pocket and fished out a 100 dollar bill and my phone. It was 8 in the evening. I sighed and called for the nurse and gave him the money "This is for you, sir. I am grateful that you helped out my friend. I would like to pay for his treatments." He nodded and happily accepted  the money "Its my job to help the sick people, I appreciate the gesture." I gave him a dry smile and left for my dorm after dropping a text to Keith that I left. 

After exiting the infirmary, I couldn't bring myself to go back to my dorm and leave someone who is in need of all the help they can get. My chest started throbbing and I turned back and took my seat in the waiting room again.

Soon after it was 11 pm, and I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. It wasn't a weekend tomorrow yet, I allowed myself to fall asleep in the waiting room. 


Hi people! 

srry for the late upload, Sammy was busy playing genshin and not proofreading. (SAMMY IMMA KILL U TMR WHEN I SEE YOUR FACE, YOU JUST WATCH) We will be going on a another hiatus soon because of our exams, but this time, I will come back RIGHT after they end. 


[Word count- 1003] 

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