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Spending nights in Brodies basement was something that happened often.

Brodies parents were never home, and they rarely paid attention to anything he did with his friends in his basement when they come back. He used this to his advantage whenever he could.

Maggie was the only reason Jasmine ever went to these hangouts. Maggie loved this stuff. Hanging out with people all the time. The two were complete opposites when it came to going out. Maggie was more of the extrovert type, she enjoyed the attention, and the gossip with her friends.

Jasmine was completely opposite. She hated attention. Talking about herself made her cringe and being with the same people all the time agitated her. However, she was used to this group...kind of.

Doesn't mean they don't annoy her.

Jasmine was walking behind Maggie as they walked through Brodies house. Ginny was awkwardly following behind them, not used to being in a house she doesn't know. As they turned the corner to walk down into the basement Maggie spoke up.

"Max, where does mom and dad think you are right now?"

"We have two hours, I told them I was going to the movies with Ginny." She shrugged, making her away down the stairs behind the two. Ginny scoffed "Wearing that? My mom knows we're not at the movies."

Jasmine smirked, already taking a liking to
her mother even though she's never met her.

"Max!" Abby shouted in excitement jumping off the back of the couch into Max's arms. "Oh my goodness!" Max shrieked, falling into the couch with Abby still in her arms.

The couch was a huge, and surprisingly
comfy. The couch was probably Jasmines favourite part of hanging out here. She laid her backpack beside the couch and plopped herself on one sound of the U-shaped couch. Her legs were spread out as she laid her head back on the soft cushions.

Maggie went straight to her usual spot. Right between Jasmine's legs. Her body was directly on top of hers and was spread out straight as laid lazily on top of hers.

"oh my god, oh my god." Abby mumbled shielding her face away from Ginny "gross. don't look at her or she's gonna think that we want her to sit with us."

"oh my god. so embarrassing. Actually so embarrassing."

"guys avoid eye contact."

Ginny stood awkwardly, not aware that this was a joke that the girls play all the time on each other. All three burst out laughing, and Jasmine held a look of pity for the other girl.

"Come on, sit. We're kidding." Max ushered, still slightly laughing. "that's a joke that we do."

Ginny fake laughed, coming to sit in between Max and Jasmine. "funny."

Jordan handed Max a lighter and the bong that everyone was sharing that night. She took it and immediately started smoking out of it. She inhaled and then blew out the smoke, coughing as she did so. The group giggled at her facial expression after she coughed.

Max handed the bong over to Ginny who looked at it hesitantly. "Um...I've never smoked before."

"really huh?" Press mumbled from the other side of the couch where he was playing video games "you sound almost as interesting as Jasmine." his sarcastic voice should have pissed off Jasmine. He was the only one to actually say things about Jasmine, however she was completely unbothered as she sat with her phone in her hands that were wrapped around Maggie's shoulders.

Maggie on the other hand was annoyed. She hated Press. She hated the way he always made digs at her friends, especially Jasmine who never bothers anyone. "shut the fuck up, Press." she rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Ignore Press because he's a literally sociopath" Max said, interrupting them "and only smoke if you want to."

"Smoke." Brodie grinned mischievously "peer pressure, do it!"

The group laughed, including Ginny who moved to put her lips around the outside of the bong. Everyone shouted to stop her. Laughing at her innocent actions.

"uh, put your lips inside, Not outside. You wanna inhale, then hold it in." Jordan instructed "but..be careful. Pootie Tang hits really hard."

"Let the expert show you." Maggie said, gesturing with her hand to show her how it's done. Ginny handed over the bong and watched how she did it. After Maggie held it in she blew it up into Jasmines face. A small laugh left the other girls mouth as she watched Maggie pass the bong back.

Once Ginny did it correctly, everyone cheered in victory, all of them already being high.


An hour passed and they were still in Brodies basement. Everyone by Jasmine was feelings the high by now. The boys had moved away from the couch and was doing some stupid shit on the stairs.

Jasmine was scrolling through her phone as she felt a tap on her nose. She moved her phone out of her way to see Maggie staring up at her with a sweet smile. She had recently just got into the snacks that Jasmine packed for her because she always for the biggest munchies.

"Did you bring your charger?"

"It's in my car." Jasmine told her. Maggies smile began to grow as she held out her hand. Jasmine playfully rolled her eyes and handed her the cars keys. Maggie got up and kissed her cheek before rushing towards the stairs "i'll be right back."

"You guys are so in love." Ginny awed looking at Jasmine. She thought they were the cutest couple she ever seen. However, the look of shock from Jasmines face made her confused. "what?"

Jasmines eyes were wide, like she was caught doing something in secret. "We're not dating."

Ginny looked baffled "Are you for real right now?"

Jasmine nodded quickly. Way to quickly. of course she was in love with Maggie. What wasn't there to love. Everything about her was lovable to Jasmine. But she wasn't sure Maggie felt the same way about her they way she does.

"Nah, they aren't together." Max waved them off. "Seems like it though. They may as well be."

"Sorry. I thought you were" Ginny breathed out. She fully thought that there was something going on between the two. It didn't mean she was wrong though, she could sense something. Maybe they weren't together, but they could be soon.

"Speaking of being in love..." Abby muttered and turned around to lay on her stomach to face Samantha while her body was on top of Max and Norah "Samantha, I think Hunter is still in love with you."

Jasmine should have been paying attention to the way Ginny's face dropped, but instead her mind was running wild. She got up abruptly and went upstairs into the bathroom that was nearest to the stairs.

Was it that noticeable?

She was sure she would pass out if Maggie found out. She thought she was good at hiding it for the past few years, but maybe she got so used to pretending that she let it slip a couple times. If Maggie found out, everything would be ruined.

At least that's what she thought.


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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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