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The entry doors to the Wellsbury High School opened revealing a extremely tired Jasmine. She stood there in the middle of the hallway with a scowl on her face as she looked at all the teens hanging around the lockers and sofas in the hallway.

Jasmine was not a morning person.

Every morning she has to have about three alarms to officially wake her up, and even then sometimes she needs an extra one. She has to have the largest coffee cup in the house in the morning so she can fuel herself up on caffeine.

Since Jasmine has been living with her uncle, every morning before Joe goes to work he preps her coffee so it lasts until lunch when she goes to Blue farm for a refill. One of the many reasons she loves her Uncle.

Finally she spotted Maggie on one of the armchairs in the hallway. Her legs were draped over the side of the armchair and her head was hanging off the side but she was to busy scrolling on her phone to notice Jasmine standing in front almost in front of her.

The pattering of footsteps made Maggie raise her head, only to meet a grumpy looking Jasmine. The blonde pouted playfully, sticking her hands out for grabby hands. Jasmine intertwined their hands, letting the other pull her over onto the chair with her.

"Tired?" Maggie asked a smile playing on her lips. If Jasmines eyes were all the way open she would blush when she seen the smile, but she was to tired to have her eyes open wide.

Maggie and Jasmine were complete opposites in the morning and the night. Maggie loved mornings and hated nights, and Jasmine loved night but hated mornings.

A whine left the girls mouth when Maggie grabbed her coffee and started sipping it. A satisfied moan left her lips making Jasmine's eyes go wide "Your uncle makes the best coffee."

Jasmine cuddled into her arm, closing her eyes once more. Her voice wasn't even above a whisper when she answered "well, he does own his own cafe, so..."

"i'm so jealous." she groaned, relaxing back into the comfortable armchair.

"and here, where Maggie and Jasmine are cuddling there is berry tree!" Norah sung out, jogging over to the bean bag beside them and plopping down on her back. "for the sophomores!"

"cool sophomores." Maxine corrected her, stopping beside Ginny. Abby scoffed, planting herself on top of Norah "cool? we're not cool."

"Only cool people say they're not cool, so we're very cool." Maxine defended, looking towards the duo on the sofa. "You guys agree, right?"

Jasmine didn't even lift her head "No. We are definitely not cool." Maggie chuckled, looking at her sister with a nod of agreement.

"Hey, MAN!"

The trio turned to look at Samantha who was walking in the doors of the school. Ginny looked at them confused, so Maxine took the liberty to explain to her.

"People call us MAN, Maxine, Abby, Norah because we're inseparable."

Ginny glanced at Jasmine and Maggie who were to occupied on their own selves to acknowledge the conversation. "What about them?"

Maxine shook her head and waved them off. "Their more of a duo. Their inseparable with each other, but not with us. Honestly, their names should be Masmine, or Jaggie."

Jasmine lifted her head up in a quick flash. "No. Please, god no." Maggie laughed at her sisters offended expression. "Sorry, sis. But that's a no from me."

Abby rolled her eyes, keeping the topic on track. "Samantha had been trying to weasel her way in for years, but she is the definition of second-tier."

Maxine gasped, looking at the group. "Guys! With Ginny, we can be GMAN."

Jasmines disgusted look went unnoticed as she took her phone out of her pocket and continued to scroll on tiktok. Maggie leaned back against her to take a peak at what she was doing.

Abby chuckled awkwardly, grabbing both Maxine and Norah by the hands and dragging them away.

Ginny stood up in the middle of the hallway. She didn't exactly know what to do now that Maxine was gone. Jasmine looked up at her nervous stance and patted the bean bag beside them. "Ginny, please sit. We don't bite we promise."

Maggie glanced up at Jasmine with a michevious glint in her eye. "or maybe we do." Jasmine rose her eyebrow but pulled back abruptly when Maggie leaned up and bit her nose.

The Miller teen chuckled and took of her shoulder bag to lay on the floor.

Samantha skipped over towards them, sitting down on the floor next to Ginny. "I'm Samantha."
Ginny pursed her lips, giving her a small wave. "Im Ginny." she introduced herself,

Samantha flipped her hair behind her back "They can be really cliquey."

Ginny didn't say much, only glancing back at the trio who was walking away further down the hall. There was silence for a few seconds before Samantha spoke up again, staring at Ginny's face. "Ginny...what are you, you're so...exotic looking."

Jasmine and Maggie gave the girl a look of disbelief. Ginny didn't say anything again, only giving the girl small glare before someone bumped into her. Marcus of all people. Ginny sprinted down the hall after that, striking suspicion to Maggie.

"Jesus, Samantha." Jasmine rolled her eyes, standing up and grabbing her bag. Maggie linked her arm with Jasmine and followed her down the hall.


            "Remind I am going to this party." Jasmine groaned, throwing on her purple flannel as she walked down the hallway of her house.

Joe and Maggie were sitting at the island of the kitchen, both eating chocolate cake as they waited for Jasmine to get ready.

Maggie grinned widely at her, putting her chin in her hands. "Because we need a designated driver incase their is illegal substances."

Joe looked up from his cake, glancing between the two teenagers. "Ill pretend I never heard that..."

Jasmine snorted at her uncle, grabbing a couple of waters and mini chip bags to shove in her backpack. When Maggie's high, she gets the munchie's so she always comes prepared.

"Is that It?" the brunette asked, a teasing smile on her face as she swung the bag over her shoulders. Maggie stood up, linking her arm through Jasmines and secretly smelling the addicting scent of her perfume.

She had a shit eating grin on her face as she glanced up at her. "You being there is also a bonus."

Jasmine nudged her playfully, walking towards the door "See ya, Joe!"

"Bye, Kid. Please be careful!"

The drive to Ginny's house wasn't that long. As soon as they got there, Maxine and Ginny were making their way outside. Maxine quickly grabbed Ginny's hand and pulled her towards the backseat door.

The car ride was silent, apart from the music playing from Maggie's bluetooth. When they got to Brodies, both the sisters stepped outside first leaving Jasmine and Ginny inside. The driver glanced at Ginny who looked a little nervous in the backseat behind Maggie.

"Ginny?" she asked, earning a small hum from the girl. "Is this your first party?"

Ginny nodded her head with a small laugh "is it that noticeable?"

Jasmine waved her off "I'm not exactly big on parties if i'm honest. I only come because Maggie's here. So, if you ever want to leave just tell me and i'll bring you home immediately."

Ginny smiled wide, thanking her before they both got out of the car.


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