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"Have I ever told you how much I love your parents!" Jasmine exclaimed as she plopped onto Maggie's queen sized bed, face first into the duvet.

Maggie giggled and plopped next to her "only like a million times since i've met you."

"i can't help it!" she through her hands in the air "their amazing!"

they both moved up on the bed so they could lay facing each other, their elbows resting on the bed while their hands keep their heads up. Maggie smiled at her through her dirty blonde strands of hair "well, i have to admit my parents do adore you."

a grin spread across Jasmines face, she always loved coming to the bakers house. when Jasmine told Ellen and Clint about how she grew up the married couple treated the teenager as if she was their own. unlike Maxine's friends, Jasmine was aloud to enter the house unannounced and it didn't matter who was home.

usually if Maggie is out with friends and Joe was at the diner, Jasmine would come over to the bakers house whether it was to hangout with Marcus, watch tv with Clint or bake with Ellen, or even if she just wanted to come in a watch a movie while no one was home she was allowed.

the bed tipped to the side slightly as Maggie bent down to pick up her backpack from the floor beside her bed where she tossed it when she walked in. "I'm going to do my homework that my dickhead teacher assigned me so we can do something fun tonight."

jasmine scoffed while sitting up slightly so she could lean against the headboard "it's our first day back to school and Mr. Gitten already assigned you homework?"

Maggie rolled her eyes "yup, but i'll get it done soon so we won't be here long." Jasmine gave her a smile, telling her to take her time as she watched the baker girl put in her earbuds and turn on Spotify.

Jasmine always admired how Maggie had to listen to music to help her focus on her work. Maggie was a smart girl, but sometimes she got distracted when music wasn't involved so she usually had headphones in while doing her homework.

Jasmine stayed quiet and looked at her for a few more seconds, a small smile painted on her lips before grabbing the remote off her bedside table. she hit a few buttons before logging into her best friends Netflix account and turning on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

a couple of minutes passed, the only noises in the room were the keys on Maggie's laptop clicking and the t.v show playing softly in the background. Jasmine was mesmerized by her comfort show until she seen a figure in Maggie's bedroom door frame.

she looked up to see Marcus leaning against the door with a smirk. "hello, ladies." he smiled teasingly at the two. Maggie yanked her headphones out of her ears with a narrowed look "what do you want Marcus?"

he pointed behind his back "is that the new girl in Max's room?" he asked the two curiously. "yeah, she came back with us from school" jasmine answered as he entered the room, looking around the place.

"what the hell are you looking for?" his sister asked him, furrowing her eyebrows. "my weed." he said bluntly picking up her pillows from her chair that hangs from the ceiling.

Maggie rolled her eyes at him "it's in Max's room, i smoked the shit you left in here a few days ago."

Jasmine laughed a little as he glared at her, and left the room muttering a 'rude' as he closed the door.


          Clothes were scattered around Jasmines bedroom, sorted by colour and sizes that were neatly folded into two piles. one pile for keep, and one pile for donating. This happened almost every year when school started. Jasmine felt the need to go through her clothes at the start of every school year, so she could donate it to the nearest homeless shelter.

she got her volunteer hours from the same shelter. she started volunteering when she was fourteen, doing simple but helpful things for the shelter. she felt the need to pitch in and help every once in a while. it was almost like it was in her blood, even when she didn't want to help, she did.

her desired career was social work. given the fact her mother was adopted, and then she was adopted by Joe, Jasmine felt as if it was calling to her.

so, when she seen how much she was lucky to have someone who was willing to take care of her, she realized she should use that as something to empower her to do better. thus, why she was sitting in her bedroom sorting clothes with Maggie.

she told the Baker girl she didn't have to contribute with her, but Maggie always insisted she joined on the donating.

"keep or donate?" Maggie asked, lifting up a navy blue jeans that had a couple rips in them, that was owned by Jasmine. the Davis girl looked up from the folding she was doing, and nodded to the donate pile.

"what about this?" Jasmine asked, lifting up a white crop-top that had long sleeves. "I thought this was your favourite one." she asked as she looked closely, taking notice that this was something she wore a often.

Maggie shrugged with a small laugh "it was, until my dad did the laundry and then it shrunk while it was in the dryer." Jasmine let out a laugh, folding the item of clothing up and placing it in the pile in front of her.

"question." Maggie stated, getting up from her spot on the floor to sit closer to her best friend. Jasmine didn't reply verbally but the look on her face showed that she was listening.

"what do you think of Ginny?" the question made Jasmine shrug her shoulders, "don't really know her. she seems nice though."

nice. Maggie's mind wondered a thousand kilometres a second. what kind of nice?

A small chuckle tumbled out her frowned mouth as she sat with her back leaning against the bed, it was obviously fake. Maggie really wanted to know if the nice, Jasmine described her as was a she seems like she would be a nice friend or she's nice and i want to date her.

Jasmine eyes her weirdly, though she didn't question on why the blonde seemed upset by her answer. to be honest, she didn't know Ginny all that well, and i'd she was to describe her in any way she wouldn't be able to do it very good considering they just met.

"why do you ask?" asked Jasmine or continued to stuff the clothes that were going to be donated into bags.

Maggie shook her head, hiding that fact that a little bit of jealously was bubbling up inside of her at the lack of response she got. it left to many questions in her head that she was to scared to ask.


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