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Harry, Ron, Hermione, Elysia and Draco were walking in the outdoor courtyard–

"Ouch..." Elysia could feel her scar hurting again.

Ron looked at them as he ended his and Hermione's conversation.

"My scar... It keeps burning," Harry said, winching.

"It has happened before, right?" Hermione asked, looking at Elysia.

"Yes, but it feels a little different from before... It hurts more," I told her

"Perhaps you two should go and see Madam Pomfrey?" Draco suggested.

Harry shook his head, "I think it's a warning. It means dangers coming–"

"Uhh!" The twin groaned in pain.

As Harry rubbed his scar, he seemed to be thinking of something; "Oh, of course!" Harry shouted suddenly and ran off to Hagrid's hut.

The four of them looked at each other before chasing him.

"Bloody hell! Why are we running?" Draco cursed.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger shows up and just happens to have one?" Harry explained

"You're right... How many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? But what does this have to do with anything?"

"Why didn't we see it before?" Harry said to himself.

We finally reached Hagrid who was playing a flute, still questioning Harry's reason for rushing to see Hagrid.

"Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg?" Harry asked and Hagrid stopped playing the flute. "What did he look like?"

 "I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up." He answered. Hagrid continued, "He wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. Then, I told him. I said, 'After Fluffy, a dragon's gonna be no problem.'"

'Oh! Harry is trying to figure out if there is anyone who knows that Fluffy is protecting the Philosopher Stone and want to get pass Fluffy!' Elysia finally connected the dots.

"Does he seem interested in Fluffy?" Elysia and Harry asked simultaneously.

"Well, of course he was interested in Fluffy! How often do you come across a three headed dog, even if you're in the trade?" Hagrid said, quite proudly. "But I told him. I said, 'The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him. Take Fluffy, for example, just play him a bit of music and he falls straight to sleep.'"

They all looked at each other again and began run towards the castle, ignoring Hagrid's call, rushing to meet Professor McGonagall.

Once they reached her classroom, they entered it and make it to her table.

"We have to see Professor Dumbledore, immediately!" Harry told her.

"I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here. He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London," Professor McGonagall said as she started glancing at them. She wondered why a bunch of first years would like to meet with the headmaster.

"He's gone?! Now?" Harry yelled.

"Professor, please, this is important..." The sister pleaded, "It is about... the Philosopher's Stone."

"How do you know?" Professor McGonagall questioned, shock as ever.

"Someone's going to try and steal it," Harry said.

"I don't know how you all found out about the stone, but I can assure you it is perfectly well-protected." Professor McGonagall replied, "Now would you go back to your dormitories? Quietly..." 

They sighed and exit the classroom.

"That was no stranger Hagrid met in the village. It was Snape, which means he knows how to get past Fluffy." Harry accused.

"Wait, what? You think it's Snape?" Draco asked. "Why would Snape have a dragon egg with him to offer to Hagrid?"

"They've been suspecting Snape for sometime now..." Elysia told him.

"It doesn't matter. With Dumbledore gone, Professor Snape might..." Hermione trailed off.

"I think you all can stop saying Snape is the –"

"Good afternoon–" Draco's word was cut down by one and only Professor Snape. "Now, what would three young Gryffindors and two Slytherins such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?"

"Uh, we were just..." Hermione tried searching for an excuse

"You want to be careful. People will think you're..." As he was about to finish his word, Harry glared at him, but he continued anyway, "Up to something."

Professor Snape looked at Elysia and Draco, giving them a nod before walking away.

"Now what do we do?" Hermione panicked.

"I do not think it's Snape who want the Philosopher Stone, but, that is it! I don't want to think much about it anymore, so we are going down the trapdoor," Elysia held her hands up in surrender, and said the next sentence simultaneously as Harry;


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The Potter Twins and the Philosopher's Stone [Draco Malfoy x OC]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang