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Draco Malfoy sat near the fire, waiting for Elysia. He haven't seen her since she went to the library with Granger.

"Where's Elysia?" Asked Caitlyn who was also waiting for her. She was whining and rolling around the floor next to Laura who was reading a book. "Did she fall asleep in the library?"

"I don't think Granger will leave her there," Laura answered, not taking her eyes away from the book. "Even if she did, Madam Pince will wake her up."

"A professor asked her for help?"


"She got into detention?"


"She's on her way?"


Draco sat in frustration, rubbing the back of his neck as the two continue.

"Oy, Malfoy," A voice called; Noah.

"What do you want, Rune?" Draco hissed.

"Chill, man," He hissed back. "Where's Elysia? Professor Snape wants me to let her know that he would like to see her tomorrow."

"Elysia not here yet."

"What?" He snapped. "It's 5 minutes before curfew."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I didn't say anything about doing anything," He glared at the blonde-haired boy. "Nevermind. You're not helping at all. I'm going to look for Elysia real quick."

"Look for me?" Elysia's head popped out from behind the sofa.

"Bloody hell!" Noah and Draco shouted.

"Hey, Elysia...!" Caitlyn waved at her lazily. She was falling asleep on the floor.

"We thought you lost track of time. I was thinking if I should look for you before you break the curfew and lose us our points." Noah cleared his throat. "Where were you?"

"Me?" She said nervously, "I just walked Hermione to the tower."

"Next time, don't. Granger can walk by her own." Draco spat.

"Okay..." She reluctantly nodded.

"Oh, right! Elysia, Professor Snape would like to like to see you tomorrow before classes start." Noah spoke.

"Oh, okay!" She nodded again. "Thank you for letting me know, Noah."

"No problem. It's my job after all." The black-haired prefect said. "Now that's settled, I will be going." Noah walked towards his friend on the other side of the common room.

Draco felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to Elysia; "What?"

"I have something to tell you guys!"

"Oh, what? What?" Caitlyn was now wide awake. Laura closed her book to listen.

"Okay, okay! So! I was walking with Harry, Ron and Hermione on the stairs when it change direction. It led us to the third floor's corridor and found a trap door--"

"Third-floor corridor?! A trap door?!" Caitlyn gasped dramatically.

"Shush!" Laura shushed her. "What happened next?"

"Then Mrs Norris saw us when we were walking out of there. So we ran further in to hide," Elysia continued. "We saw a door and Hermione bibbidi bobbidi boo it open! We ran inside quickly--"

"Phew," Caitlyn commented. "Then you find the trap door inside?"

"Could you stop interrupting her story?" Draco flicked her forehead.

"Well, yes," Elysia laughed as she answer. "But we saw something above the trap door."

"Which is?" Laura raised one of her eyebrows, ignoring Caitlyn who was whining next to her.

Elysia gestured them to come closer and whisper, "A three-headed dog."

"Pfft, that's just a three head-- Wait, WHAT?!" Draco shouted.

Elysia cupped Draco's mouth with her hand, "Shhhh!"

"You're so loud, Draco," Caitlyn shook her head disappointedly at him.

"You guys won't tell anyone, right?" Elysia spoke as she remove her hands from Draco's face. "Don't even mention it to Harry and his friends."

"I promise," Caitlyn smiled.

"Sure, don't worry," Laura nodded.

"We'll see-- Okay! Okay! I won't tell anyone. Geez..."

Elysia gave back Laura's book that she almost use to hit Draco.

"Promise?" She held out her pinkie finger to him.

Draco rolled his eyes playfully at her and took it, "Promise."

She did the same with her two friends.

"Okay now I spilt the tea, I want to go to bed," Elysia said. Caitlyn and Laura followed her. "Goodnight, Draco."

"Night, Elysia," He replied and walked to his room. 'What a crazy story,' He thought to himself. 'What they thinking they're doing? Keeping something like that locked up in a school?'

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The Potter Twins and the Philosopher's Stone [Draco Malfoy x OC]Where stories live. Discover now