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Last night, during Christmas, I spent my night in the Gryffindor common room with Harry and the Weasley. 

I invited Draco but he rather stays alone in his dorm room

"Elysia," I heard Harry whispering to me. I closed the book I was reading near the fireplace and looked at him.

Harry lifted a black clock; The Invisibility Cloak. It was a Christmas gift addressed to us. It doesn't have a sender name but we found that it might be very useful for our 'mission'.

"Come here," Harry handed me an oil lamp and told me to hold it as he hold onto the cloak.


"Come on, just get in..." I sighed as I get under the Invisibility Cloak with him. "We're going to the library as Hermoine told us to!"

"Oh... right, right," I nodded. We both quickly walked to the library and entered the 'Restriction Section'.

When we were safely there, Harry removed the cloak, "Okay, let's search for any book that can help us."

Harry told me about Gringotts. He suspects Professor Snape might steal what was missing from the hell-lookalike bank. He said that Hagrid mention the name Nicolas Flamel when they as him about the three head dog.

"I see," I took out my glasses from my pocket and began to search for books that began with the letter, N. Hoping for a book about Nicolas Flamel.


I jumped on the sound. I looked at Harry with my eyes widened. Harry shoved a book back into the bookshelves.

"What have you done?!" I whisper-yelled to him--

"Who's there?!"

Oh no! That's Flich's voice!

"Quick!" Harry said, telling me to get under the cloak--


No...! He accidentally knocked down the oil lamp we brought! Nevermind, we need to get out of her--

Both of us were running back to the Gryffindor common room but stopped when we saw Professor Snape push Professor Quirrell onto the wall.

"S-Severus, I-I.." Quirrell stuttered.

"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell," Snape narrow his eyes at him.

We walked slowly around them to the other side while holding our breath.

"I don't know what-- What you mean...!" Professor Quirrell said.

"You know perfectly well what I mean." Professor Snape replied before his head turned his head towards our direction and stared directly at us. We froze for a while as we thought he saw us, but luckily he didn't!

The potions professor reached for us. I instantly pulled Harry back. When Professor Snape couldn't feel anything, he looked at his hand and then back to Quirrell, "We'll have a little chat soon, when you've decided where your loyalties lie."

I pushed Harry and we opened the nearest door to escape Filch as he approaches.

"Professors," Filch called, holding up the shattered oil lamp. "I found this in the restricted section. It's still hot, That means there's a student out of bed."

The professors looked at each other for a very short moment and rushed somewhere as we closed the door of the unknown room we just entered.

Harry removed the cloak once again. I picked it up as he just dropped it and walked away. My gaze followed him and my body did the same.

We saw a mirror and we looked at each other. We stepped in front of the mirror. There was writing on the mirror frame; 'Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi '.

What language is this? 

Then, we looked inside the mirror. For a second, we saw our faces but, later then, two figures appeared behind us.

There was a red hair woman standing next to Harry and a messy jet-black hair man on my right side.

We turned our heads to see that there was nobody behind us. We look back in the mirror.

I looked at the man. He resembles Harry quite a lot... So I slowly say, "Dad?"

He nodded and smiled, mouthing the word "Yes".

Harry also smiles and looked at the woman "Mom?"

The red-handed woman, just nodded as she had a big smile for the beginning. Mom put her hand on Harry's shoulder and Dad did the same on mine. Seeing this in the mirror, Harry and I put our hands above them.

"We need to show this to Ron!" Harry excitedly said.

"Sure," I nodded and he ran out of the room, leaving me alone.

I turned back to the mirror and stare at my parents. They wave at me and I wave back.  Then, my mum held up her hand and show a ring on her finger. I feel like I saw that ring before... but where? I walked closer to the mirror to see the ring better when I heard footsteps. Harry and, Ron walked into the room.

"Come!" Harry said to Ron as he pointed at the mirror, "Our parents!"

"Hey, that's me!" Ron said, the drowsiness from his sleep slowly fading away. His eyes widen, "Only that I am a head boy! And I'm holding the quidditch cup too-- Bloody hell! I'm the quidditch captain!"

"How so?" I asked from the side, my reflection cannot be seen in the mirror. 

"Do you think this mirror shows the future?" Ron asked.

Harry and I looked at each other, sighing. It's not possible... 

"I don't think so... our parents died," Harry said. And then there was silence.

"Ahem... Well, we should go back to sleep." I cleared my throat to break the silence. "Now... where's the Invisibility Cloak?"

We all looked at each other; Harry had thrown it somewhere when he excitedly came into the room with Ron. After a few minutes of kneeling on the ground and blindly touching the floor, we finally found it. We get under the cloak and carefully walk back to the Gryffindor common room. 

I collapsed on the couch as soon as I reached it. It's been quite a long night for an 11-year-old... And we also didn't find anything about Nicolas Flamel... I sighed before falling asleep.

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