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In the morning, Caitlyn, Laura and Elysia were already at the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Hey, guys," Elysia cleared her throat. "I'm gonna eat with my brother."

"What?" Draco asked, his mouth full of food.

"Eat with my brother?"

"He is a Gryffindor," Pansy added.

Elysia was a little bother by her word, "What's you point?" She raised my eyebrow. "He's still my brother."

"Slytherin and Gryffindor suppose to be enemies!" Draco exclaimed.

"I told you he's still my brother, Draco." Elysia sighed.


"I'll see you guys in class," She said and quickly walk to the Gryffindor table, leaving her friends irritated.

"Hey, Harry." Elysia greeted her brother.

"Oh. Hey, Elysia! What's up?" He asked and peeked at the Slytherin table.

"Nothing. I decided to eat breakfast with you guys. Do you guys mind?" She asked for the other Gryffindors' permission, at least the ones sitting near Harry.

"You're a Slytherin," A student with sandy-haired said.

"She's Harry's sister... So it's okay, right?"

"She looks pretty nice to me."

"I'm okay if you guys are okay."

They looked at each other; "We don't mind, take a seat!"

"Thank you so much," Elysia thanked them with a smile and took a seat between Harry and Hermione.

"Seamus Finnigan," the boy with sandy hair introduced. Elysia noticed him as Neville's partner in Potions yesterday. He was the one who blew out a cauldron.

"Oh! I'm Elysia Potter," She introduced herself.

"I don't think that is necessary, Elysia," Ron's brother said: Percy, he was one proud prefect.

Elysia was confused at his statement.

"Percy's right, Elysia! You're a Potter. Everyone knows you." Hermione said.

"Oh, right," She mumbled, looking down. It was nice not to be mocked like in her old school, but she doesn't appreciate being known like this. She felt like people were expecting great things from her and Harry. But she barely knows anything about the wizarding world.

"You okay, Elysia?" Harry asked.

"Yup!" Elysia laughed it out.

"If you say so," Harry nodded and continued eating his toast.

Harry's friends took turns introducing themselves. The introduction session stopped when owls came into the Great Hall, bringing posts for the students.

A barn owl brought Neville a small package from his grandmother. He opened it excitedly and showed them a glass ball the size of a large marble, which seemed to be full of white smoke.

"That's a Remembrall!" Hermione spoke as Neville examined the ball. "I've read about it. If it turns red its mean you've forgotten something."

"I know, but, the only problem is I don't know what I have forgotten," He explained when the ball glow red.

Elysia chuckled; "Perhaps your robe, Neville?"

"Oh no! I forgot to put it on this morning!" He said and ran to Gryffindor's common room. A few Gryffindors laughed at his attic.

Time passed; "Oy, Elysia!" A voice called.

The girl turned her head to see Draco and their friends walking towards her; "We're going to class now. Are you coming along?" He asked.

"Already?" She looked at her watch. Elysia was usually very strict with the time. Rarely late. Always on time. Occasionally early too.

"Coming or not?" Draco asked again.

"Yes, Yes!" She quickly answered and get up from my sit. "See you later, Harry. Nice meeting you all!" She waved at them and ran as fast as she could to the double door where her friends were waiting for her.

"About time!" Blaise shook his head playfully.

"Sorry, guys," Elysia apologized to them.

"Whatever, Let's go," Draco said.

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The Potter Twins and the Philosopher's Stone [Draco Malfoy x OC]Where stories live. Discover now