004 ; Boundaries

709 39 2

Eunhee's eyes fluttered open as the bright sun shone down on her. As she slowly took in her surroundings, she realized her head had been resting on top of Kyungjun's stomach. Quickly taking it in, she shot up from her position.

She noted that he hasn't woken up so she let out a sigh of relief. Eunhee turned behind and made eye contact with Yoonseo. The two shared gazes before their classmates started waking up, one after another.

Eunhee attempted to recall what had happened the previous night.

Bad mistake.

She immediately remembered. The image continued to replay. She immediately looked towards the broken window and shot up from her position. She ran towards the window, Yoonseo following behind. She placed her hand onto the window frame and looked down.

She gasped, followed by Yoonseo. She immediately clutched onto Eunhee. Tears started falling from the girls' eyes. Eunhee held onto Yoonseo. Down there laid the deceased body of Heoyool, lying in a pool of blood.

Yoonseo's breath started to hitched as she held onto Eunhee's hand. Eunhee didn't want to see the scene anymore, so she returned the action and pulled Yoonseo away. Almost in unison, everyone's phone started to ring.

Eunhee ran towards her phone and dropped on her knees. She picked it up and almost immediately, the purge-like alarm blared. She read the message as the voice read it out loud.

"Before the last vote closed, the police used their skill."

Her hands shakily held her phone. The alarm blared.

"Choi Juwon was executed by Mafia. Choi Juwon was a Mafia."

Eunhee brought her legs forward and fell onto her bottom. She brought a knee to her chest and rested an arm over. The alarm blared once again.

"All participants, identify the Mafia and begin to vote."

Eunhee laid her legs flat and dropped her phone onto her thighs. She leaned her back against the wall and only looked forward.

"Where's Juwon?"

Yoonseo had asked. Eunhee's eyes darted around the hallway and noticed that Juwon was nowhere in sight. She stood up, hoping to take a better look. But Juwon was still gone.

"The broadcast, who's in charge of it?"

Wooram said as he points towards the speaker.

"Why is it even on?!"

He yelled. Eunhee flinched at the sudden change of tone.

"The studio's on the second floor. Let's check it out, let's go!"

Hyunho stated. A few students followed Hyunho as he dashed towards the staircase. Eunhee stood still, not bothering to accompany them.

A sudden yell was heard from the male's restroom. Everyone looked at each other before Eunhee ran towards the source, the remaining students trailing behind her. She pushed the translucent glass door open and saw a frightened looking Dabum.

She entered slowly, letting Yoonseo and Jungwon overtake her. The pungent smell of blood immediately washed over everyone's faces. Eunhee used her vest and covered her mouth and nose, not wanting to take in the intense smell.

Eunhee trailed in between Junhee and Kyungjun. Everyone stopped, causing Eunhee to bump slightly into her brother. He held his hand on her shoulder and looked down. She followed his gaze and was met with a pool of blood. Eunhee gasped.

Kyungjun walked behind Eunhee and headed towards her twin.

"Class president, you open the door."

He demanded as he pushed Junhee towards the door. Eunhee now stood between Kyungjun and Seungbin. She watched carefully as Junhee slowly approached the door. He pushed it open and everyone was met with a deceased Juwon.

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