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Shock washed over me. I hadn’t expected that. The power of their embrace, the warmth and affection radiating from each of them - it overwhelmed me.

I had feared being forgotten or left behind but their collective hugs reassured me that our bond had not diminished in my absence.

I can’t believe I was back at school, a lot of things happened I believe, we won our first friendly. I could bet anything on a match Travis is leading to win, he was just something else. Most of my friends were girls and maybe I had got used to their faces but there is one girl I guess I will never get used to and I missed her so much, but that’s a story for another day.

After a few minutes of the welcomes, I tried to settle before my sight fell at a familiar figure at the entrance, she stood there with a smirk, I could feel her eyes burning my face.

I was the first person to make that ponytail very long time ago with my plastic comb.
Her stunning body shape never ceases to get angelic, she is the one I will never get used to, every time I see her, I get thrown away.

I can have as many girls as I can but they come and go but she is the only person who has been there, even when it takes years like it had, she finally came back. She is so close to my heart to the extent of making some creepy deal with her dad. Just to keep her with me.

I no longer even care about what happened to her. It doesn’t matter any more, because it can happen to anyone. I cleared my throat as guilt built up in me, her eyes so innocent and fragile. Tears developed but I couldn’t allow them to drop because what right did I have to cry after the secret betrayal I bare on me against her.

But wait! How is she here? I must be dreaming, so I pinch myself. I was with her dad last week but he never mentioned anything. His dad knew very well how I felt about her, he usually uses it to black mail me, to do things for him.

Is it what am thinking? Ah, now I see, he brought her to me so that I can have all the time with her.

I think our deal with him is sealed now, good thing he has fulfilled his part of the bargain. I get onto my feet to meet the most beautiful girl in my life and there, she places a kiss on my cheek.

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I slowly climbed the huge stairs to my class before shouts penetrated my ears; I sped up to see what was going on.

My eyes fell on a familiar face I didn’t expect at that time. Reagan sat in the middle of the crowd of students hugging two at a time, how happy he was oh my God. I smiled.

Memories of us playing naked in the bath tab popped out and I couldn’t help but giggle at it, it came along with the memory of my mother but this was a happy moment, I didn’t want to destroy it.

I stood there transfixed like a fool eyes fixated on him. A few moments later, every one left him and he started walking towards me, as he did, questions started flowing in my head.

What is he doing here? Why and how comes everyone knows him? Is he an old boy? But No, that can’t be, he must haven’t skipped a class, he was never a fun of schooling and we were in the same class.

His smile disappeared and he was as surprised as I was. “My oh my, Bibian is that you?”he breathed.

“Who else could it be?” I said hooking my arms around him. We had never hugged that deep, it was long time no see anyway.

I pulled out after seeing Travis watching us intently and surprisingly at the back of the class. Was he thinking that I and Reagan had something between us? Hell no.

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