New mother

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Vanessa's face contorted with pain as contractions gripped her abdomen. 

"Ugh," she managed to groan, clutching her belly tightly. She desperately tried to capture Madelaine's attention, but her cries were drowned out by her own agony.

Madelaine, still groggy and disoriented from a night of heavy drinking, slowly opened her eyes to the cacophony of Vanessa's screams. Confusion etched on her face, she stumbled towards Vanessa, struggling to comprehend the situation. 

"Are you okay, Nessa?" Madelaine asked, her voice filled with concern.

Vanessa, her face glistening with sweat, tried to compose herself enough to respond. Through gritted teeth, she replied, "No, Madelaine, I think... I think the baby's coming."

Madelaine's eyes widened in disbelief, the fog of alcohol quickly dissipating in the face of this sudden urgency. Madelaine's heart skipped a beat as she heard the urgent cries coming from Vanessa. Without a second thought, she called out to Lili and Camila, to come and help. Panic filled the air as they rushed to the room, their eyes widening at the sight of Vanessa in labor.

Working together seamlessly, Lili and Camila supported Vanessa and guided her towards the waiting car. Time seemed to move in slow motion as they navigated the narrow hallway, a flurry of emotions engulfing them all. 

Meanwhile, Madelaine knew there was something she had to do. She dashed into the baby's room, her heart pounding with both excitement and worry. Fueled by an overwhelming sense of responsibility, she snatched the baby's bag from the shelf, ensuring that every essential item was tucked securely inside. Without wasting a moment, she sprinted through the hallway, determination guiding her steps.

Reaching the car, Madelaine breathlessly handed the bag to Lili, relief flooding over her as Vanessa was carefully settled into the back seat. 

Madelaine sat nervously in the backseat of the car supporting Vanessa and Lili beside her, as Camila drove them to the hospital. 

 As they arrived at the hospital, the nurses swiftly took charge, guiding Vanessa to the back. Madelaine clutched Lili's hand tightly, her heart pounding with fear. They settled into a small waiting area, the minutes ticking by slowly. The room was filled with whispered conversations and anxious pacing. Madelaine had called Vanessa's parents, and Michael.

[Vanessa pov]

Vanessa's heart raced as she entered the delivery room, her anticipation mingling with the pain of labor. The doctor approached, ready to guide her through this pivotal moment.

"I want Mads!. Where is Mads!?" Vanessa's voice trembled, her plea tinged with desperation.

The doctor looked perplexed, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. "Ms. Mziray, who is Mads? Is that the baby's father or mother?"

Vanessa knew that revealing the truth might complicate matters. If she admitted Mads was her best friend, Madelaine, they probably wouldn't allow her inside the room. But Vanessa needed Madelaine. She had been her unwavering pillar of support throughout this entire journey.

"Yes, it's Madelaine," Vanessa confessed, feigning nonchalance. "She's the baby's mother, and I need her by my side."

Pausing for a moment, the doctor registered Vanessa's vulnerability. With a nod of understanding, she proceeded to call Madelaine into the room.

[Madelaine's pov]

Madelaine's heart raced as she heard her name being called by a nurse outside the hospital room. Panic gripped her as she quickly looked up, wondering what could have happened to Vanessa. 

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