When life gives you lemons make lemonade

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When Vanessa woke up, she headed straight to the kitchen. As she entered, she saw her best friend Madelaine, as usual, standing in front of the open fridge. "Oo, what are you making?" Vanessa asked, noticing that both she and her baby were hungry.

"Well, you know I can't cook, so I'll whip up something easy," Madelaine replied with a chuckle. 

Vanessa smiled, feeling relieved that she wasn't alone in her culinary shortcomings. "Hey, I'm no better," Vanessa admitted, joining Madelaine at the fridge.

Madelaine teased Vanessa about her pregnancy cravings, and Vanessa laughed, rubbing her growing belly.

"How about some overnight oats minus the overnight?" Madelaine suggested mischievously. They both burst into laughter at the absurdity of the idea.

"Yea, that sounds good, Mads," Vanessa replied, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "I'll eat anything right now. Me and this baby are hungry!"

Madelaine decided to prepare a wholesome breakfast for Vanessa. She cooked a warm batch of oats, carefully measuring out the ingredients. The aroma filled the kitchen, creating a comforting atmosphere. She arranged two plates of steaming oats and handed one to Vanessa.

As they savored each spoonful, Madelaine couldn't help but notice Vanessa's restlessness. She watched as Vanessa finished eating, then swiftly got up and carried her empty bowl to the sink. 

Madelaine caught her breath and gently said, "Hey, hey, Nessa, that's my job. You should be resting, you know the baby could come at any moment."

Vanessa smiled, appreciating Madelaine's concern. "I know mads"

"Oh yeah, Vanessa, Lili, and Camila are coming over later tonight," Madelaine said, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "I almost forgot," she quickly added.

Surprised by the news, Vanessa replied, "Oh, so they're coming home with us after work?" She couldn't help but wonder what was happening.

"Yeah, they wanted to have a sleepover or something. I don't know, maybe it's just for old times' sake," Madelaine explained, a playful grin spreading across her face.

Vanessa burst into laughter, amused by the idea. "Aren't we a bit too old for sleepovers?" she teased.

Madelaine shrugged, her smile unwavering. "Maybe, but some things never really change, do they?" she said, looking at Vanessa knowingly.

{Skipping some, after work}

Lili and Camila arrived at Vanessa and Madelaine's place, excited for a fun evening. Laughter filled the air as the four friends bonded and enjoyed each other's company. The drinks were flowing freely, although Vanessa had to abstain due to her pregnancy.

As the night progressed, the mirth continued, and everyone began to let loose, including Madelaine, who had a bit too much to drink. 

She jokingly slurred, "Okay guys, I'm a little tired. Are y'all staying the night?" Lili and Camila exchanged amused glances before agreeing, realizing they were too drunk to safely go home.

Vanessa found herself caught in an awkward situation. It was late at night, and as the responsible one among her friends, she had started to fetch blankets and pillows for the girls. Slowly getting up, she tiptoed towards the closet, careful not to disturb anyone.

Just as she was about to retrieve the bedding, she heard Madelaine's slurred voice calling out. Turning around, Vanessa saw her friend stumble towards her.

"Nessa, what are you doing?" Madelaine inquired, clearly drunk.

"Getting them their pillows and blankets," Vanessa replied, a hint of confusion in her voice.

Madelaine swayed unsteadily, squinting her eyes as if trying to comprehend the situation. "You're pregnant, right? We can just... s-sleep together, and they can take my room," she suggested, her words slurring together.

Vanessa was taken aback by Madelaine's drunken proposal. Although she appreciated the concern, she knew it wasn't a practical solution. "No, Madelaine. I appreciate the offer, but I'll just grab what they need. Let's not worry about it."

Madelaine stumbled in the dimly lit hallway, her words slurring together as she desperately pleaded with Vanessa. "No, no please, I don't want you doing too much," she managed to mutter, partially out of concern and partially due to the effects of alcohol.

Vanessa, sighed with exasperation but understood Madelaine's sentiment. She had always been the selfless one, putting others' needs before her own. "Okay, fine," Vanessa relented, a tinge of irritation in her voice. "Go and tell them I'm going to the room."

Vanessa entered her bedroom, her exhaustion evident in every step. The weight of her growing belly made even the simplest tasks feel like a monumental effort. As she closed the door behind her, she exhaled a sigh of relief, glad to have a moment of respite from the chaos of the world outside.

She slowly undressed, exchanging her clothes for the comforting embrace of her pregnancy onesie. The soft fabric hugged her curves as she made her way towards the bed, ready to indulge in some much-needed rest. But just as she lay down, the door creaked open, and Madelaine stumbled into the room.

"Sorry, Vanessa," slurred Madelaine, her words laced with alcohol. "I didn't mean to get this drunk tonight."

Vanessa couldn't help but smile at her, despite her weariness. Madelaine, usually composed and graceful, now looked like a mess of tangled hair and unsteady steps. The alcohol on her breath overwhelmed the room.

"It's alright, Mads," Vanessa said gently, patting the spot next to her on the bed. "Just hop in. We can laugh about it tomorrow." Vanessa started to get into the bed. 

Out of nowhere, Madelaine blurted out, "Nessa, I love you." Vanessa's face immediately changed, caught completely off guard by the unexpected confession. She didn't know how to respond.

Collecting herself, Vanessa mustered the courage to speak. "Well, Mads, I love you too, but as my best friend. We have such a strong bond."

But Madelaine wasn't convinced. "No, Nessa, you don't understand. I love you more than just a friend. I want to ugh to be with you, and even have this b-baby with you."

Vanessa's mind raced, trying to comprehend the depth of Madelaine's feelings. She cared for her deeply, but romantic love had never entered her mind. Unsure of what to do next, she took a deep breath and gently replied, "Mads, this is a lot to process. Let's take some time to reflect on our feelings and make sure we're making the right decisions."

Madelaine, with a gentle smile on her face, took a moment to savor the peacefulness of the night. She turned around, carefully tucking herself into bed.

Vanessa, on the other hand, couldn't help but doubt the sincerity behind Madelaine's smile. She speculated that perhaps Madelaine's words were spoken in a state of drunkenness, clouding her judgment. Yet, despite these doubts, Vanessa couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that there was an element of truth hidden within Madelaine's seemingly intoxicated mind. Vanessa couldn't help but think of the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade," and how it perfectly applied to her current situation.

But why did the saying "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" come to mind? Vanessa pondered this question.

 Vanessa couldn't help but rub her belly, the thought blooming in her mind. Maybe the lemons represented them, and when they came together, they could make something sweet. Perhaps that sweetness lay in the form of a baby.

She couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, she had fallen in love. But love, as she knew, was heartbreak from a previous lover.

Lost in her thoughts, Vanessa pondered Madelaine's words for what felt like an eternity. As the night deepened, exhaustion finally washed over her. The weight of speculation and analysis slowly lifted, and she drifted off to sleep, hoping that clarity would come with the morning light.

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