Chapter Two: The Light

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All you can see is white. It's everywhere and everything. A bright white that goes on for as long as you can see.

You stand up, slowly spinning around. Taking everything in. Trying to see how far the emptiness goes. Your foot steps don't make any sound.

What in the world? What happened? Thoughts swirl about in your mind, making it hurt. Last time you checked, you were about to die. Wait...

"Can I help you?" a friendly voice asks from behind you.

You yelp, startled, and spin around. In front of you stands a girl around your age.

She has white, chin-length bushy hair, with random streaks of color. Her kind eyes seem to change shades, from Kelly green to Caribbean blue to honeysuckle hazel. Even her clothes were exceedingly bright: a tie-dye strapless dress, knee length in the front and pooling to the floor in the back.

You stare at her for a moment, dumbfounded, not knowing where to begin.

"Yes, yes," she said, "What happened, where am I, who are you, yada yada yada. I'm sure you have a bunch more, too, but you'll have to figure them out later. I'm Katie, by the way."

You're still staring at her, eyes widened, even more mind-boggled than before. You don't even shake the hand she offers.

Katie sighs. "The shock will wear off eventually."

Silence stretches on like the whiteness that already consumes them. "Uh..." you start to say. "Am I dead?"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She exclaims, cheeks reddening. "I should have at least told you that you're still very much alive." She then turns around, and you see that she has a pair of shimmering fairy wings, with swirls of blue and purple.

"Hmm..." she says, inspecting the blankness of the space they were in. "Why is it so empty?" She turns to you, expecting you to answer.

"I, uh, I don't..." you stutter, unsure on what to say. "Did the decorator call in sick? I mean, I don't know what this place is, or..."

She smiles knowingly at you. "Looks like there's hope yet for you." She turns back to the empty space. "Let's think, what does this place need? Something simple..."

"Somewhere to sit, maybe?" You say, wondering what she's trying to accomplish.

"Ah, yes! That's it. A nice sofa, perhaps? Yes, yes, you can start with that." Once again, she turns to you, completely oblivious to how confusing this is for you.

"What do you want me to do?!" You exclaim, getting tired of Katie's mystic behavior. You're weak and angry and have no idea what's going on and you want answers.

Katie either didn't notice your outburst or decided to ignore it. "Just close your eyes and--don't look at me like I just told you to tap dance! Close your eyes."

Sighing, you slowly shut your eyes, wondering what she could possibly be planning.

"Okay, now this'll be easy-peasy. All you have to do is picture a chair. Got it? Just imagine something to sit on."

You wouldn't have stared at her any weirder if her rainbow hair had caught fire.

"Oh, would you just trust me!" She says, finally showing some signs of annoyance. Her face quickly softens, going back to her happy-go-lucky self. "Please, can you just try?"

Ever the sceptic, you raise your brow, but decide to give her the benefit of the doubt and close your eyes once more. You then envision a chair. Nothing much, just a simple wood dining chair you would see in an everyday home.

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