Chapter 9

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"He's home! Dude, I thought you got lost or something since you were basically gone all day, which is kind of rare for you." Jaime greeted me from the couch as soon as I walked in the front door of my house. "How'd it go with lover boy?"

I looked at the wall clock that was perched near the stairway and noticed it was a quarter past seven. What the hell was he still doing here?

"How did you know I was with Kellin?" I asked warily and shut the door.

"How could I not? You had the most ridiculously biggest smile on your face when you walked in." He smirked. "And I may or may not have overheard you talking on the phone with him last night."

"So you were spying on me?" I asked him in an accusatory tone.

"Hey, whoa now!" He raised his hands in defense. "I only came back downstairs to snag a water bottle. It's not my fault you were so into your convo you didn't hear me. Besides, you should know more than anyone else that I am the worst tip-toer ever."

"Whatever, forget I even said anything." I mumbled, not wanting to admit he was right. I walked over to the foot of the stairs then stopped. "What are you still doing here?"

"Yeah... I have no idea." He said sheepishly, running one of his hands through his hair. "I had originally planned only to stay for a few hours and watch a few movies but uh," he said gesturing towards the movie that was currently playing. Have I really been so oblivious to everything recently that I didn't notice? "I guess I lost track of time."

"Okay, well, you know this is basically your second home so you can stay as long as you'd like." I shrugged. "Not that I mind, anyway. I just came to take a shower and change. I uh, sort of have a date- well, it's technically still not over yet."

He just smirked and turned his attention back to the movie, "Go on then lover boy, I don't wanna take too much of your time. Just be prepared to get interrogated sometime tonight when you get back, or tomorrow!"

I rolled my eyes, not that he could see me, and made my way up the stairs to take a much needed shower.


I reached forward and pulled open the door, hearing the bell chime as I did so. I stepped inside letting the door close behind and scanned the room, looking for a certain someone. When I was sure they weren't anywhere in sight, I made my way over to the island where Kellin was currently at. He was drying off a few glasses and was apparently caught in the middle of listening to some drunken guy babble about something. He saw me approach, relief flooding his face as he gave me a look that practically screamed 'help me'.

"I'm sure you'll play the role of relationship therapist just fine." I told him, chuckling when he sent a glare my way. I pulled out the stool next to the drunk guy and sat down.

"Do you have any idea how long I've had to listen to this guy talk?" He asked me after the guy ended up passing out drunk minutes later.

"No idea."

"Since the start of my shift, Vic! It's been a little over forty minutes since then, tell me that's not fucking torture! Normally I have no problem with it because let's face it, you're bound to have to deal with this as a bartender but oh my god. This- this guy... he kept going back in circles over the same thing." He told me, a hint of exasperation evident in his voice. I was actually amazed at how well he was able to keep himself composed. If I was him, I'd have lost it within the first ten minutes.

"Well I guess it's a good thing I'm not that guy." I said and Kellin just smirked. "What?"

"Nothing, babe."

Thanks To You, I'm Still Breathing (Kellic) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now