•Chapter 40•

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"I had fucked Sydney" Nate spilled the water he was drinking, right on top of counter. Amara stared at him as if he had lost his mind and he looked at her with the same expressions. And honestly his expressions were much more justified.

"Amara, what the hell?" Nate exclaimed, his voice a mixture of disbelief and disappointment. "You... you slept with Sydney? Why would you do something like that?"

"I know this is fifty shades wrong but at that time I was going through a phase and wanted a rebellion and honestly I don't know why I did it but one thing I know is that doing this with her was wrong to her" her playful mood slipped giving way to serious conversation.

Nate's eyebrows furrowed as he struggled to comprehend the situation. "But why Sydney? Isn't she your assistant? Are you telling me you slept with your assistant?"

Amara sighed, running her fingers through her hair. The atmosphere in the room had shifted from the initial shock to a more serious and tense one.

"I didn't plan for it to happen, Nate. It just... did. Sydney and I were hanging out, and things got complicated," Amara explained, her tone carrying a hint of regret. "And you're right. She's my assistant, and I crossed a line. I never should have let it go that far."

Nate shook his head in disbelief, trying to process the information. "Amara, this is a mess. You need to address this with Sydney and sort it out"

Amara nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "You're right. I messed up, and I need to fix it. I just... I never expected things to turn out like this."

Nate sighed, the disappointment still evident in his expression. "You have to be honest with Sydney. She deserves that much, at least."

As Amara contemplated how to approach Sydney about the situation, Nate continued, "And what about your relationship with her professionally? Can you continue working together after this?"

Amara hesitated before answering, "I don't know, Nate. I'll talk to Sydney, see how she feels about it. But I have to be prepared for the consequences. This could impact not just our personal relationship but also our professional one." Nate wrapped her in his arms.

He knew she had a difficult life and even more difficult past year so it was just expected that she would do something like this, he just never expected it to be Sydney out of all the people. "Amara," he entwined their hands, "you know I am always with you"

"Thank you, Nate," Amara said, looking into his eyes. "I messed up, but I can't avoid dealing with it. I'll talk to Sydney and figure out how to move forward."

Nate nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. "Just be honest with her, Amara. It's the only way to clear the air and work towards a resolution. And, for what it's worth, I believe you can navigate through this."

The next day Amara met Sydney in a cafe and cleared everything. Yes it was difficult on Sydney's part for letting her go because Amara wasn't just her boss and one night stand her feelings were much more complex. However for Amara's sake she let her go. In small amount of time she had realized how good, Nate was for her.

In the days that followed, Amara and Nate spent a lot of time together, navigating the aftermath of the situation. Amara's professional relationship with Sydney had come to an end, but the personal repercussions lingered. Nate stood by her side, providing the support and understanding she needed during this challenging time.

"Ouch" Amara winced, jumping back. In no time Nate was by her side.

"What happened?" he pulled her away from the shards of broken glass and made her sit up on top of countertop. "Are you okay?" he examined her if she was okay. Amara looked at her hand, a small cut from the broken glass oozing a drop of blood. She winced again as Nate took her hand gently, examining the injury.

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