There is one rule that you should know when dealing with Ash Ketchum. You can abuse him, you can attack him, and Ash would only smile back and let that go.

But the moment you do anything bad to someone he care about and considers his family.

Well you better pray to whatever God you believe in and ask for his mercy. Because Ash sure as hell wouldn't show any.

"They'll be fine," Erwin answered, "We're asking them anything that could be related to how you got your Titan power. However, it probably won't be much of a change."

"Cool" Ash smiled, but this smile was devoid of any warmth "We wouldn't want anything bad happening to them. Otherwise.......

Ash shrugged and left the words unanswered.

"Are you threatening us?" Levi asked coldly, his eyes narrowed as he leaned back on the wall. The two Military Police Personal, who were guarding, tensed too.

"I am bounded in this Cell" Ash said with an innocent smile, which was full of teeth "Besides that wasn't a threat. It was a promise"

"Tch, cocky little shit..." Levi remarked, rolling his eyes at the threat. Though he did became a little tensed. He had heard from various reports how powerful Ash is.

"Who are you calling little, you pint sized midget with a bad haircut?" Ash scoffed with a smirk. Normally he wouldn't body shame anyone, but the midget deserves it.

The tension in the Cell broke immediately.

Levi's slender eyebrows shot up to his hair line at the insult looking almost taken aback. Oh he had been insulted and teased for his height before, specifically by Hange and Mike, but it still irritated him.

The Military police officers who were tensed by Ash's previous threat now snickered at the insult, tension leaving their body. However they quickly bit their tongue when Levi shot them a look.

Eren was stunned, his jaw hanging open at the insult that Ash just brazenly threw at Levi's face. While Erwin smirked a little, however he cannot derail the conversation any longer.

"Levi" Erwin voice interrupted anything Levi would have said. His blue eyes met Levi's grey ones and an understanding passed between and Levi stopped and with a grudging nod stepped back.

Erwin satisfied having averted an argument, reached for his Best pocket and pulled out a Key with a chain attached to it.

Eren widened his eyes as he saw Erwin pull out a key. "That's the-"

"Yes, this is your key," Erwin said dangling the Key at Eren's face like it was some piece of meat.

"If it's Eren's can you please give it back to him" Ash said "It's very rude to take other's possession without asking them"

"Of Course Mr Yeager can have it back later" Erwin nodded "But back in his old home, in Doctor Jaeger's basement in the Shingashina District, lies the answer to the mystery of the Titans. Am I correct?"

Eren looked conflicted while Ash looked at the Key and said "What's that? Some kind of Master Key? A family heirloom?"

"It was my Father's" Eren mumbled as he leaned back "He gave it to me before he dissapeared"

"Dissapeared?" Levi raised an eyebrow "Like what? Did he dissapear in a puff of smoke or something?"

"Levi" Erwin sighed. He was here to get some information and not this.

"That was rude" Ash sniffed.

"I'm not sure, at least I believe that's what my father said, or where he went" Eren answered the Captain's question either way

"So you have amnesia and your dad's gone missing. Isn't that convenient," Levi remarked sarcastically.

"Levi, we already talked about how he has no reason to lie to us," Erwin told him, before turning back to Eren, "There are things we need to know. I believe we should ask what it is you want. In order to investigate your home, we need to seal the breach in the wall. That is where your powers come in. Like it or not, the Titans have influenced our fate, including the Colossal and Armored Titan. Your will is the key: the key humanity could use to get out of this hopeless situation."

"Uh..." Eren trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Hey, we don't have all day, you piece of crap. What do you want?" Levi demanded in irritation.

Eren looked back at the two with a crazed look in his eyes and a deadly smile. "I want to join the Survey Corps, and kill every single Titan in existence."

He had promised to kill them all.

"Damn!" Ash whistled impressed "That's the most determined look I have ever seen. Some may even call it scary"

Eren's face faulted at that, the determined look disappearing at Ash's words while Levi's eyes seemed to gleam with amusement. "Not bad. Erwin, tell the higher ups that I will vouch for him."

Levi walked over and gripped one of the bars while giving Eren a deadly look. "Not that I trust him or anything. I just want to be around to kill him if he ever goes on a rampage. I don't think the top brass will disagree. I'm the only one who's fit for the job."

"Mr Midget are you forgetting about me?" Ash said raising an eyebrow.

"And what do you mean?" Levi turned to look at Ash with a glare at being insulted again.

"What I mean" Ash said, his voice deadly calm "If you harm even a hair of Eren then I will make you a head shorter, than you are already are"

The tension in the room returned full force as Levi stared at Ash with wide eyes, not expecting such a balant threat.

"You wouldn't want that would you? You are already short enough" Ash said cheerfully.

Eren looked at Ash feeling admiration for him. This boy doesn't even know him yet he was defending him.

"Hopefully it wouldn't come to that" Erwin said, not a bit bothered as he stood up "Lets go Levi"

Levi huffed and followed Erwin. Deep down his mind returned to Ash's threat.

Something in him tells that Ash will do what he promised, if something happened to that Titan boy.

"So what do you think?" Erwin asked.

"I don't like this Erwin" Levi said, his voice even "Titan boy is something I can handle. But the other......from the reports, I don't think we have anything we can do if he goes on a rampage" His grey eyes met Erwin's blue ones "You sure this would work?"

Levi hadn't felt this helpless since he had witnessed Farlan and Isabel's death. The way Ash looked at him is like a predator looking at his prey.

Erwin sighed closing his eyes "We will just have to await this trial, Levi." He muttered tiredly "Humanities fate depends on this outcome."

And Done!!

I hope you liked it!!

Lol Ash while listening to their request ain't taking shit from Levi lol! And Ash also staying back for the funeral is a nice emotional touch. And the next chapter would be the trial scene.

Wish you all a Happy New Year!! And if you liked this chapter then don't forget to leave a comment down below as you know reviews are food for a Writer's Soul.

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