Chapter Two

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Aretia smells like Cedar, Citrus, and Dragonfire. Also, I'm starving.

-Journal Entry by Arina Selene Adair

The voyage to Aretia proved to be a test of endurance for Arina. Perched precariously on the back of a court member's dragon—a creature clearly disgruntled at bearing an unfamiliar burden—she struggled to maintain her balance upon the broad, ridged expanse of the green clubtail. Her limited flying experiences, cherished moments from her early childhood with her father's reassuring presence, offered little preparation for this extended aerial journey. Those brief flights, with her father holding onto her, were fleeting memories, largely suppressed due to her mother's staunch disapproval of such ventures. Now, faced with the vast expanse of the skies and the challenges they presented, Arina clung to hope and determination, yearning for the moment her feet would touch the ground of Aretia.

The brief, familiar flights over the Vale paled in comparison to the vast journey through the skies to Aretia. As she descended, a tapestry of scents enveloped Arina—notes of cedar blending seamlessly with the tangy allure of citrus, marking her arrival in this new land. The court member, who had maintained a stoic silence throughout the journey, wasted no time in releasing her from the dragon's back. With a silent nod, they swiftly departed leaving Arina to stand alone on unfamiliar ground beyond the borders. The urgency of their departure spoke volumes about the perils that lurked outside the safety of Nazari.

Navigating the unfamiliar terrain, Arina was drawn to the distant hum of activity and the faint echoes of city life. However, her tentative steps were abruptly halted when a man clad in formidable armor stepped into her path. A quick scan of her surroundings revealed a circle of burly men, each wielding a sword, their intent clear and intimidating. 

"Halt, state your purpose," the apparent leader commanded, his gaze sharp and assessing. "We've been alerted to the presence of a foreign dragon within our borders. You will be brought before the Duke to account for your intentions." The insignia on his arm marked him as part of the infantry, a symbol of his authority in this unfamiliar territory. The man eyed the girl as she was too young to be a rider, needless to say, had no distinguishing characteristics to explain where she was from.

Pulled along towards an imposing fortress, Arina's arrival was met by a quintet of individuals. Among them stood a commanding figure, scrutinizing a map laid out on a table. As he straightened up to address her, Arina discerned the authority that radiated from him; this was undeniably the "Duke" she had been told about.

"You seem rather youthful to pose any threat to our borders," he remarked, his tone laced with curiosity. "What brings you to Aretia, and what might your name be?" As the Duke approached, the men who had escorted her withdrew to the periphery of the chamber. Their retreat, whether born from respect, fear, or a blend of both, left Arina pondering the complexities of this new land and its rulers.

"Arina Adair, I have come to see the hatchery of dragons Aretia has." The young girl stood tall and straightened her spine to seem powerful, although her height and attributes gave her apprehension away. 

"Adair?" the Duke echoed, his eyes narrowing slightly in confusion. "I have not heard that surname before, where do you come from?" He studied her for a moment, taking in her defiant stance and determined expression. "The hatchery you seek is a matter of great importance and secrecy to Aretia. Needless to say, it is off-limits to anyone but the dragons residing there. Why, of all things, would it draw someone like you?" His inquiry hung in the air, laden with both skepticism and intrigue.

The resolute young girl met the Duke's probing gaze, her determination was evident despite the clear indications of her youth. "I come from Nazari," she replied firmly, refusing to waver under his scrutiny. "And as for why I seek the hatchery, it is a matter of significance to both our lands. The protection and preservation of dragonkind are essential, and I believe that together, we can ensure its safety." Her words, though bold, carried a sincerity that beckoned further consideration.

The Duke's stern countenance softened slightly, intrigued by the conviction in Arina's voice. "Nazari, I have not heard of any such Kingdom" he mused, weighing the implications of her origin. "Dragonkind's safety is indeed a shared responsibility, but trust is not easily granted, especially to outsiders." He paused, studying her carefully. "However, your earnestness suggests there is more to this tale than meets the eye. If what you say is true, then perhaps there is a path forward." Their encounter had set the stage for a delicate dance of diplomacy and collaboration between two worlds. "I am Fen Riorson, Duke of Aretia."

Arina nodded, appreciating the Duke's cautious optimism. "In Nazari, we hold our bond with dragonkind sacred. I understand the need for caution here, but I am willing to prove my intentions and earn that trust," she said with determination. The Duke, recognizing the sincerity in her words and the potential benefits of an alliance, responded, "Very well, Arina Adair. We shall embark on this journey cautiously but with hope for a united purpose." Thus, an unexpected alliance began to form, one that could shape the destinies of both Nazari and Aretia.

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