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In the heart of legend, the Kingdom of Nazari whispered tales of enigma and serenity. Crafted to honor the Empyrean, the realm was nestled deep within the Vale of Dragons, shrouded from the prying eyes of the world. An ancient pact, woven eons ago, ordained the Adair lineage as the guardians of Dragonkind's sanctuaries. In exchange, the veil of the Vale would safeguard Nazari's legacy. Thus, the esteemed royal bloodline earned the revered mantle of the inaugural "true riders."

Yet, Nazari wasn't merely a bastion for humans. It stood as the hallowed abode for Dragonkind's elite royalty. The Alasdair Line, a pristine dynasty of ethereal white dragons, bore the sacred honor of the earliest bonds with humanity—a covert truth treasured by the Kingdom.

-Recovered Pages from The History of Nazari by King Castian Adair the First

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