•Chapter 34•

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Amara agreed to meet him today at seven pm in the parking of their apartment building when she would be going out to meet her mom and her brand new boyfriend. Nate had a total of ten minutes to convince her why she should talk to him.

What Nate didn't know was that Amara was doing it out of guilt. In the past week or so, she had all the time to think about what she did to him. She had realized that aborting the child without even telling Nate was wrong.

As she stood in the parking lot, Amara felt a mix of emotions swirling within her. She was nervous about facing Nate, uncertain about how he would react, and most of all, she was burdened by the weight of her own guilt. 

Deep down, she knew she had to confront the consequences of her actions. She had spent countless nights wrestling with her conscience, and now, as she waited for Nate, she braced herself for the difficult conversation ahead.

"What do you need to talk about?" she questioned as soon as he was in front of her.

"Why are we meeting here Amara"

"Because I need to leave in ten minutes" she made him realize how small amount of time he had.

Him expressing his feelings for her when they had been trying to get rid of any attraction they had was a big no for Amara. She couldn't accept him or his feelings. Getting into a relationship which required real feelings was difficult for her.

Specially when she never had anyone to love her. No one ever loved her, not her mother or any friends she made through out her life, neither did any of her boyfriends loved her. So it was just right to feel doubts about Nate's feelings

Nate was here to talk about his feelings for her, he wanted to talk her into being his girlfriend. But for Amara it was much more. She had to hide the abortion from him as well. Nate looked into Amara's eyes, sensing the tension and unease. He took a deep breath, realizing that the limited time added an extra layer of urgency to their conversation.

"Amara, I've been thinking a lot about us," Nate began, choosing his words carefully. "I know we agreed to keep things casual, but I can't deny my feelings for you. I want more than just a casual connection. I want us to be together, to make this more meaningful."

Amara shifted uncomfortably, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. She knew she couldn't reciprocate Nate's feelings the way he wanted her to. The guilt over the abortion weighed heavily on her conscience, and she felt the need to confess, yet the fear of his reaction held her back.

"I appreciate your honesty, Nate, but I need time to figure things out," she replied, avoiding eye contact.

Nate, unaware of the turmoil in Amara's mind, pressed on. "I know we've both been through a lot, but I believe we can support each other. I care about you, Amara, and I want to be there for you in every way."

Amara sighed, torn between her desire to confess and her fear of losing the connection she had with Nate. The ticking clock in her head reminded her of the limited time she had before leaving to meet her mom.

"I need time to think about it. I can't give you any answer just yet"

Nate nodded understandingly, though a hint of disappointment lingered in his eyes. "Of course, Amara. I don't want to pressure you. Take all the time you need, but just know that I'm serious about this."

"Fine," she mumbled. No matter how much she try to avoid him, his words were surely hitting home. "I need to go now"

Amara turned to leave, the weight of her secret pulling at her every step. Nate watched her with a mix of concern and longing, unsure of the inner turmoil she was grappling with. As she reached the entrance of the parking lot, she hesitated and turned back.

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