The gateway was created by an ancient individual that had brought the Voidwalkers sanctuary, only to vanish sometime afterwards. No one recalls who it is nor why they had helped in the first place, but he always wondered who it could have been. After all, he has a feeling that the mysterious individual is someone that represents the freedom to do whatever, but leaves mischief and chaos behind.

Nonetheless, he continues his trip, taking an occasional detour to visit a shop or two, until at last, he arrives at the Gateway. It was still astonishing to look at the ancient architecture of the portal and the delicately carved engravings on it, but right now, he has plans to just return to his server and make sure that there wasn't any more damage or chaos than usual. With a hum, he went ahead and passed through the Gateway, unaware that a particular symbol had glowed for a moment.


They Watched him, for a moment, they were happy they had found him at long last. For a moment, just in the library, they had hopes, hopes that they are truly the one and they were correct to assume as such. They weren't sure how he had survived or ever realized that something was off, but they were glad nonetheless.

The Last Follower Has Been Founded.

Stay Safe, little Voidling.

Don't Trust The Admins.

With just a flicker of their weakening magic, they ensured that they found the book. With that, they smiled for the first time in a very long time, and they had fulfilled their final orders. Now, all they can do is pass on the remains of their powers to them, to keep them safe.

They just wished they could have said goodbye to the Voidling one last time, face to face, instead of this spectral plane of existence.


"XISUMA! OH THANK HEROBRINE YOU CAME BACK!" Jevin pleaded with hope as he immediately runned up to him with Wels following after him, very much relieved to see their admin. Said Admin is just confused, confused by the sight in front of them. "Should I even ask what had happened here? I haven't even finalized the seasonal move up and there's already chaos!" Xisuma questioned incredulously, staring at the mess that is the center of the server.

He really shouldn't be surprised, but really, he only left for at least an hour. How did everything go from silent to chaos in that amount of time? He wasn't sure if he should be impressed or disappointed, he'll just settle with being concerned is all. With a sigh, he facepalm. "How about you all stop your fighting and clean up the mess alright? We can't leave this place in a disarray anyways." Somewhere in the background, he's sure he heard someone whistle ever so innocently and another nervously chuckling.

He'll have a word with the Vexes later.

"Anything else we should know or do?" Wels asked, looking at him with a hint of concern, not that Xisuma would know why he was being given such a look in the first place. "Well, besides that, just make sure you all are ready for the move up to season six, then we can plan more from there." Xisuma answers with a gentle smile, earning a nod of understanding from Wels. "Alright then X, well I should be off now, gotta make sure our local Vexes don't pull any more tricks again." Wels commented with a huff as he waved goodbye and went straight to chasing after the local Vexes who immediately ran at the first sight of him.

Xisuma can never get used to the fact that they are somehow afraid of a simple human. Not that they can blame them, sometimes he's afraid of Wels as well, not that he can admit it, but still. It was a little entertaining to say the least. Knowing that he could at least trust the Hermits enough to be on their own to do their own thing and clean up their mess, Xisuma hums as he heads on back to his base. Preparing himself to spend the quieter and calmer time reading the books he had gotten until the codes were finalized and stable for him to check out their new world for the next season.

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