Choreography and Tours

Start from the beginning

Sanem and the team was nervously walking around backstage waiting for their names to be announced.

Baris got them altogether for one last word of encouragement. 

Team, you've worked hard and I know you're going to blow them away tonight. Sanem, girls, your routine is outstanding. Just go out there and have fun. Remember to smile and the crowd will feel your energy! 

Smiling and taking a deep breath, Sanem and Frankie wished each other luck and got in place. They would be calling their name any minute.

Well good evening everyone! Welcome to the 10th Annual Ankara Music Festival. Tonight our first act is all the way from Istanbul. Please welcome to the stage, The Movement Dance Group!

Let's head to the VIP section, Can, so we can avoid causing a scene, Tahir said.

Can loved being right in the middle of his fans but he knew that Tahir was protecting him tonight from too much interaction knowing what the next day was going to be like. The event would last for hours and hours so he didn't argue with him.

He heard the announcer welcome the first act to the stage and when he turned towards it, he stopped walking, causing Tahir and Roberto to run into each another.

Mesmerized by the beautiful woman in front in the orange suit, he just stood there transfixed. Her smile, her energy were both infectious. He openly admitted that he couldn't dance well but watching her was like watching poetry in action and he secretly wished he knew how.

Sexy but sophisticated was how he would describe her. Then she flashed that wide smile that proved what a great time she was having and he had to swallow hard. 

Wow! She is so beautiful, he thought.

He felt Tahir, moving him forward because his sudden stop caused fans nearby to notice him. He wondered if he could go backstage and meet the dance team but once the fans started pushing towards him for a photo, that idea was no longer an option.

Later that night in his hotel suite, he found himself smiling with the memory of the beautiful dancer. He went to the website for the festival and found the name of the dance group. Feeling a bit like a stalker, he scrolled down until he found what he was looking for.

The Movement Dance Group..from Istanbul. Wow. That's a happy coincidence, he thought, smiling. Going to the link under "About Us", he smiled wider when he found what he was after.

Sanem Aydin, he said out loud. What a beautiful name; it means "perfection". Smiling again, Can thought how appropriate.

Great, he said, now I need to find my mystery woman but there was also a beautiful dancer named Sanem.  What's happening to me?

Sighing loudly, he headed to bed. The next day was going to be a long one.


Frankie, what should I wear tonight? Sanem asked. She was still deliriously happy from the rave reviews the group got after last night's performance. She couldn't believe that Baris told the journalist afterwards that she was one of his choreographers! 

He didn't have to give me the credit but I'm was so grateful for how much he believes in me, she thought.

This! This is what I brought to wear but I think you'll look better in it, Frankie said, holding up the outfit.

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