"Swnio'n hwyl."


Negan hasn't killed someone of importance in a long time.

A very long time.

The once normal feeling dragged away and chipped at every passing moon and sun. It felt foreign to his blood and bones, and even when he did slice the knife across Alpha's throat - it felt weird. It shouldn't, it really shouldn't, but it made bile form in his stomach and goosebumps to raise on his skin.

He kicked himself over and said he was a 'pussy' before he dug the knife through the thick bone and uneasy texture of Alpha's skin and decapitated her, rolling her head into a rugged bag you'd see on a scarecrow.

Only thing keeping him going right now was the fact that now this was over, finally done with, he can go back to Eleanor.

God, the only damn thing that kept him going was simply her. When he tried to sleep at night (which wasn't at a good acceptance rate from the dark bags under his eyes) he'd think of her. Her laughter, her smile, just the way she carried herself most of the time. Yeah, he did have dreams where they got freaky-deaky on the kitchen counter, but then he stopped himself and remembered that if Elle ever found out he was having sex dreams in the enemies house then... it wouldn't be good.

He just could not wait to see her. It brought an excited buzz through his body and shook a smile onto his features every time her name whizzed through his thoughts. Like a kid on christmas day, or a teenage boy who successfully stole some pornos.

"Took you long enough."

Negan narrowed his eyes at the voice and flicked them between the woman's face and the decapitated head by her feet. "Where is she?"

The woman raised a brow.

"You promised compromise, woman."

Her eyes filled with a succeeded darkness as she traced the skin-rotting features of the walker-ified Alpha. "Change of plans."

"You gave me your fuckin' word." Negan scowled. Now he was angry, made promises now broken. "Where the fuck is she, Carol?!"

The woman sharply inhaled and shrugged, crouching down to pick up the snapping head in her hands. She stared at Alpha's clouded eyes with a somber stare yet clear snarl. It was over, finally over. Why didn't she feel any change? Maybe Elle was right, maybe revenge didn't change anything. "You'll get to see her."

"When, hm?" Negan pushed, following after Carol when she made a bee-line to the border. "You said you'd bring her and then we'd all go to Alexandria like the big happy family we are."

Carol ignored him, or at least ignored the useless bits. "I'm not going back." Negan's jaw dropped. "Not yet."

"I go back there without you, there is a noose around my neck the second I step foot in there."

"Then wait." She snapped back.


"I needed this," Eleanor admitted, chugging on a canteen bottle that was filled to the brim of lukewarm water. "Should've warned you that you'd be my crutch if we left."

Daryl let out a slither of a chuckle and tightened onto her waist. Right now, the two friends were pushing through woods and past broken trees to scout the place for survivors who got lost. Majority of people were back at the rendezvous point, including a safe Maya who instantly took a nap when she got time to.

"Ya whine too much." Elle stomped onto his foot. "Ya bitch! What tha' for?!"

Elle narroed her eyes. "You know what it was for."

ELEANOR  .  NEGANTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon