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Chills of cold and bitter air cascaded across their bare skin leaving goosebumps in its wake. Skin was pressed against skin as they both smiled like two people in love. Maybe they were.

Eleanor's hand was flat against his chest, her head on his shoulder as they talked and whispered and led comfortably in a controlled silence. Negan couldn't get over her, and neither could she with him. It was sickening but real, a true picture of what they meant to each other despite disagreeing forces.

"Autumn soon." Elle mumbled. Her cheek was squashed against his skin.

"I know." He responded, smiling as his fingertip traced the shoulder tattoo she had. "Won't be long 'til you're bouncing about like a dog with two willies."

A humorous red lit across her face as she thought back to that memory. Something that felt so long ago, yet shortened as time melted away together. "I can't believe you still remember that."

"I remember a lot of things."

Eleanor perked up at that and gave him a questioning gaze. He was smirking, but differently. His eyes were clouded over still deep in the aftermath of straight pleasure, his large hands warm against her skin while his lips were plump and slightly bruised. Elle quickly led back down against his side and hooked a leg over his waist. "Tell me."

"Tell you?"

She hummed, "Hmm... before the shit fest." He chuckled, deep and low, it shook her to the core. "You was a gym teacher, why?"

"I was too good-looking for the MLB." Eleanor rolled her eyes but he still laughed like it was the funniest thing he has ever said. "I don't know, doll. Just came to me."

"What else?"

Negan pattered his fingers across her skin as some sort of recognition to his past, dancing across her skin like the purest touch out there. "Tell you what, doll. You tell me something, and I'll tell you another."

Elle bit down on her lip and sighed. There wasn't much in her life to say, all of it tainted with the harshness of reality, but nonetheless she made sure to pick through her brain to find something light-hearted. "My nan always- my nan she was very superstitious." She laughed, it was sweet and melodic and it made him hold onto her tighter. "Odd socks mean good luck, odd anything really. Like a massive reverse."

"Explains your funky shittin' socks and shoes, Sunshine."

Elle rolled her eyes, "Shush."

"Alright, alright." Elle then pointed at him and he grumbled before clearing his throat. "Got sued once."

"You got sued?"

He hummed against her skin and pulled her tighter. "Had a fight," He strived away from the reason why. "At a bar. Turns out, his kids went to my school, got fired fairly quickly after that."

Elle was silent and so he looked down expecting maybe disgust and shock because that was the normal reaction after you tell someone you fought a man, but she was unnerved. "Did you get him good?"

Negan's heart swelled at them words and he looked at her for a couple of seconds. Appreciated and content. "Yeah, doll. Got him real good."

She raised her hand and high-fived him. His large hand encapsulating over hers in seconds like a heavy blanket. "I think my worst fight was..." Elle thought for a couple of seconds before gasping in acknowledgment. "Ieuan Rougemont. He was my friend's ex-boyfriend. Hit her so I hit him."

Then it was Negan's turn to high five her. "Badass."

"I try," She laughed. "You think we're peryglus?"

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