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Like always, Kenny awoke in his bed, heart racing as it grasped onto life. He should be used to the feeling of rising from death by now, but every time the stuttering, rapid heart beat and the tightness in his lungs panics him.

Sitting up, he groans; an ache spreading throughout his whole body. He breaths sharply through his teeth, waiting for the pain to pass. This he should be used to as well; the pain of his death remaining when he wakes. However, he doesn't think he ever will be used to it, any of it.

Pushing himself out of bed, his socks touching rough wood floor, he groaned at the ache that shot through his entire body. The second hand, digital clock that laid beside his bed read "8:09am" and the slowly rising, winter sun confirmed the clock was correct.

Kenny didn't bother showering, he only pushed himself to leave his bedroom and make his sister her breakfast. Throwing his old, orange parka on he left without a word.

Hunger pained his stomach, causing it to grumble and groan. Kennys body refused to let him feel the hunger, and only the pain. He had no appetite. The morning was now bright as the sun rose on the sky, yet the day was ice cold. Even through his thick coat Kenny could feel the ice.

He didn't know where he was walking, he just walked, face colder than the winter day and empty of any emotion. Being awake hadn't set in yet, meaning Kenny was half asleep and quite moody.

"Kyle's house?" He whispered as his feet finally stopped moving and he regained control over his body. He was more awake now, the cold dragging him into the real world, aswell as the fact the man he more-or-less loves is a couple walls away. Not knowing what to do, he sighs and walks towards the door, knocking gently and shoving his boney hands into his parka pockets.

The one who answered the door is not he who Kenny wanted. No, it was his little brother Ike.

"Hey kid. Kyle home?" Kenny smiled down to the young boy, the gap on his teeth visable. Ike grinned up at Kenny; he liked Kenny, he was nice and was his best friend, Karen's, older brother.

"He's upstairs!" The black haired, younger boy moved out the way for Kenny to enter and locked the door behind him when he did. Kenny made his way upstairs, letting his body move on it's own again. He hoped to god Kyle remembered they were supposed to be hanging out this Saturday.

He knocked, hearing that beautiful voice yell in response, "I'm busy, Ike!"

"It's not Ike." Kenny couldn't fight the huge, foolish grin on his face.

"Oh, Kenny? Come in." He said, recognising his childhood friends soft voice. Entering, Kenny saw Kyle sat on the floor, textbooks spread across the carpet around him, his legs crossed and a pen in hand. "Why are you here?" He asked. He seemed so beautiful as he tilted his head.

"We're hanging out today, remember?" Kenny asked, hands still in his pockets as he stood in the doorway. Kyle's face changed as his eyes widened and cheeks flushed up.

"We are?" He asked with honest confusion. Kenny sighed; he was worried his death would erase Kyle's memory of the conversation, seems it did. He felt a pang of dread in his chest.

"Yeah, with the goth kids." Kenny's voice melted into sadness. He could rearrange plans with Kyle, but that whole conversation was lost and, thought it was small, it meant a lot to him.

Kyle nodded, swallowing his nerves. "Yeah, sure, what time?" He asked, placing his pen in the book infront of him. Kenny smiled a little, happy that Kyle was still willing to go even though he had no memory of the conversation.

"They're planning to meet at around 10." His eyes turned to the clock on Kyle's bedside table. It was much nicer than Kenny's, and read the time more accurately. "8:53" it read. Had he really been wandering for 40 minutes before he got to Kyle's.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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