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        Exhausting is the first word that comes to mind when I get off of work. My brain is drained from all of its energy and knowledge, while my body…well, my body is not even a stable body anymore. I just want to get home and flop on my bed.

Oh, my bed…it's magnificent, I tell you. Its pillows are amazingly amazing, with its soft yet smooth surface, and the fluffy inside. My body sinks in that mattress, getting lost in the beautiful lullaby of shut-eye that it sings to me.

        Oh, my. I'm tired. That's what you get for working at a gas station that's open 24/7. If you ever go there, please don't go in the restroom. Trust me, It's worse than the job itself. Said from personal experience.

        As I opened the door, I wanted to run to my home, run to my bed, and run off to sleep. Too tiring. I lazily walked down the sidewalk, along with some drunk idiots. There was this mother though. She had a baby in a stroller. I couldn't help but sneak a peek at the baby as she caught up with me and was walking beside me. The baby had a pacifier, soft blonde hair that swirled upon the baby's head, and…

        a suit on.

        A suit. A SUIT. What kind of mother buys their four month old baby a suit?! At least…he looks like four months old. Maybe even older with that suit. He could be a 30 year old man with an office job for all I know. But the one thing that I know for certain, is that baby, is not a normal baby. At least he wasn't wearing Bluey glow-up shoes.

        I then resumed my ninety-two hour long cruise to my home. I walked past that creepy alley between the apartments, and I realized something. It was a shortcut. But…it's so eerie. I'll probably get spiders in my hair. Or spider webs. Or spider babies.

I shuddered at the thought.

(I'm sorry if you have arachnophobia)

Only for today. It's not like I'm gonna get kidnapped or murdered. I put my hood on and tightened the hole that I viewed from with the straps. It was already dark outside, but this made it even darker, almost fully blind dark. I can still see through the hole though. I then turned, and walked into the alley. It suddenly became a long maze of webs tucked into corners, grass desperately trying to live as the ground had cracks, and pitter-patters.


I immediately turned around. There wasn't anybody there. I knew I heard it though. I wasn't just about to stay there! I started running out of the alley, not caring if I embarrass myself. I then stopped in my tracks and fell as a hand with a strong grip and force grabbed my foot. Why my foot? How were they so strong? I quickly sat up, my nose and eyes stinging. I looked back, my foot twisting in its now loose grip.


"Why'd you look at me?" The baby asked.


My voice was weak, and I was about to beg for my life, but that's when I realized he spoke. And he was a baby.

"You're…the baby. You're a baby!"

"Yeah, what about it?"

He popped his pacifier back in his mouth, making soft sucking noises.

"and you're talking…"

"Yeah. Usually I don't let people know that, but you won't be able to tell anybody."

"What do you—"

He cut me off with a knife in my neck. I couldn't remember anything after that. My body is cold now. Without a bed.

murderous boss baby 🫶Where stories live. Discover now