~Chapter 4~

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No P.O.V.

Vincent stared up at the lifeless figure floating above its own grave. It looked exactly like Vendetta, his dead lover, but his legs came together like a ghost tail would. "V...Vendetta..?"

He nodded. "It seems you have trouble getting over my death." Vincent gazed down at the ground, too ashamed to look him in the eye.

Vendetta's ghost lowered its body down to hook his arms around his waist and rest his head on top of his soft, purple hair.

Surprisingly he didn't pass through him like most people would when making contact with a ghost.

"It's okay. I know you're upset, but you have to move on." Vincent's arms shot up then tightly gripped around the dead man that comforted him.


"No but's Vincent."

"I..I can't." The ghost man let go of his undead ex-lover, placed the palm of his hands on his shoulder, and stared him in the eye with his warm smile he only share with him.

"Yes you can, I know you can. Maybe it'll take a while, maybe it's already happen, but you can't hold on to me forever. You're going to have to let go eventually."

Fresh hot tears dripped from the broken male as he clutched his ex dead lover closer to him, not wanting to let go.

".....I-I'll try....for you, Vendetta."

The dead man smiled a sad smile from secretly not wanting to let go of the man he still loved, but knew he would have to move on from a person of the dead.

DING DONG!! The bell on the giant tower rung throughout the city alerting those whom could hear that it was midnight.

"Oh no, I have to go. Goodbye Vincent, I hope to see you again."

"Wait! Could I...get one last kiss before you go?" They blushed at his request to be close to the dead man before he vanished till six pm then all the undead ghosts could roam.

"Yes, my love." Vendetta moved closer and pressed his lips onto Vincent's in which he returned without hesitation.

The bell rung once more for the undead that still had not returned to their tombs. The ghostly man moved away and returned his hands to himself.
"Goodbye, Vinny,"

He flew towards his dirt bed and let the magic sorcery put him to sleep for the night. "Also you're losing your perverted touch, don't let that happen."

He smirked before he faded away, not giving Vincent a chance to retort his statement making his cheeks burn to a flowery pink.

"...I'll try."

Vincent stood from his spot, dust himself off, wiped away the tears that covered his face, and hugged the grey rock before snailing to his automobile.

-Time Skip-

After parking the car in the garage, Vincent fiddled around in his pocket for his keys. Once they were found, the only silver key was used to unlock and open the door.

The first thing he heard when he entered through the door was,
"Sir! Are you okay?" "Where have you been, sir?" and, "You look tired, I'll go fetch you something to drink."

"Please, no questions. I need to lay down for a bit." was his answer before he lumbered up the stairs to his room.

He plopped onto his bed like a child would after a long day at hell also know as school. There was knock at the door.

"Sir, I brought you something to drink." He sat up and thankfully took the cup of tea, giving Elaine a 'thank you' before she exited the room.

Today was a strange day for the sleepy man. Meeting your dead ex isn't something that happens on the daily bases.

'Also you're losing your perverted touch, don't let that happen.' He blushed at the thought of his words.

Was he really that different back then?
Sure he harassed and flirted Vendetta in a dirty way at times, but he wasn't that bad. Was he?

He shook the thoughts out of his head as he finished his drink and set it on his lamp table then changed into his night clothing, deciding to take a soak in the morning.

He turned the light of the lamp off, curled up under his blankets, and easily fell into slumber.
~A week later~

Mike's P.O.V.

I hate my alarm clock so much, ruining the relationship I have with my bed.

I sat up from my sleep while shifting the blanket off of my feet then stood up and groggily rubbed my tired eyes.

Yesterday was a busy day. The café was packed with people, so many order. Good thing that guy Gavin came in, apparently he had used some of his vacation days.

Since he's back, I get a few days off. I'm actually glad I did, gives me some time to relax. I haven't checked my mailbox in a while, better go see if I got any mail or packages. I stepped out onto the front porch and stretched my arms out above my head before stepping down the stairs to the little silver box on top of the red pine wood.

The red handle on the sign pointed up indicating I do have mail. I opened the little lever and saw a few pieces of mail.

Advertisement, advertisement, a new donut place just opened down the street, and a letter from the rental company. Wait, a letter?!

I stuffed the other envelopes in the mailbox so I could tear open the one in my hand.

'Blah blah blah blah blah new buyers bla blah bla better than you blah blah blah blah blah blah want your house, blah, blah we're kicking you out blah.
Have a nice day!~'

I'm getting kicked out?!
Dun dun dun anyway I have some good news and bad news.

Bad news: This chapter was short/ I didn't write this story, my friend did because she didn't want to make an account so I let her use mine, but now she's moving to Canada so she has to discontinue it.

Good news: Someone else can take the story, whoever messages or PM's me, doesn't matter. I CAN'T continue it because I have other stories I have to work on and I won't have time for this one so it you want the story to live you can take it....please don't murder me..you won't hurt a kawaii emoji, would you? (‐^▽^‐(🌸)


Me: .....O-O; please be gentle..

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