~Chapter 2~

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[Again only to get an idea]
Vincent's P.O.V.
My eyes slowly fluttered open as I slid around in my bed to slam my clenched fist on the snooze button of my alarm clock. I sat up while rubbing my pupils and let out a quiet yawn. My cat, Miryoku which is Japanese for charm, jumped on my bed and licked my hand. It tickled a bit.
"Good morning Miryoku." She purred while jumping off the bed for me to follow. I got up and stretched before following after her. She lead me to her food and mild bowl, I always did like feeding her myself. I retrieved the cat nip from the pantry and her personal milk jug and filled up the bowls. After doing so I put them in their original spots, when to my room and dressed for the day in my cream colored dress shirt, fuchsia tie, violet purple slacks and white dress shoes.

"Good morning sir." I turned my attention to the voice. "Oh good morning Elaine, your here early." "I thought I could help Fritz if Mr. Mare came today. We all know Penelope will just take pictures, Tina doesn't care, and Nicole will be too busy." I laughed while fixing my tie. "Yes, well I'm sure he will enjoy the help while I'm out today." She nodded then left from the doorway being followed by Judy. She waved and continued following. I didn't even see her standing there. Judy's always been like a daughter to me even though we're in the same age range and the others are like family. Suddenly her head popped in my room. "Penelope said breakfast is ready." I nodded and she disappeared into the hallway again. "I wonder if Mike is at work already.."

Ugh, Stop it godamn it!
I blushed at my thoughts trying to think normally when Penelope popped her head in. "Who's Mike?" Her sudden question made me jump back and bump into my desk, knocking my book and pens to the ground.
"P-Penelope! I-I didn't see you enter!" She squinted her eyes to glare at me with an evil smile. "This Mike guy makes you blush and stutter. Is he ever coming over?" If it were logical or even realistic, she would have stars in her eyes. "H-He doesn't m-make m-me do a-anything! And...I c-can't answer that!.." My face was hotter than chili and I couldn't make myself move to pick the things up and put them back on the table, I was frozen there lost in thought. What if he does take the offer? What if he does come over? What would happen? Will things be awkward? Why am I so worried about this? It's not like we're secret lovers or anything... "Sir? Are you okay?" A hand waved in front of me, snapping me out of my trance. "Huh? Oh uh..."
"Breakfast is getting cold." She left the room and I followed a few moments later to makes sure she wasn't still being a spy.
What has gotten into me?
I sat at the table and grabbed the fork and began eating after thanking them.
"So how did you and Mike meet?" A voice giggled behind me. Penelope, Judy, and Elaine were standing behind me with 'innocent' smiles on their faces. I glared at Penelope before putting my plate away. "We met when he applied for a job at the café. He is merrily an employee and nothing else." I huffed out in an aggravated tone. They kept following behind me asking about Mike. Why do they even care? "Will he ever come over?" I accidentally blurted out, "Probably." Oh shit. I ran up the stairs and grabbed my phone and keys then saw I was trapped in. "He is? When? What does he look like? Do you think he looks cute?" Elaine chuckled then Penelope squealed out. "Is he your uke?" I blushed dark red trying to find a way escape.
"I-I don't even know w-what an uke is..I really need to go." That's when I spotted the secret staircase that lead to the kitchen. "Also I invited Mike over today oh look there he is now!" I pointed at nothing and they spun around to nothing as well, giving me the perfect chance to run. I jogged down the stairs then zoomed out the kitchen to the front door. "Hey! That was a dirty move, sir!" Judy whined from the stairs. I waved goodbye and left to my car. My life. But I still love them like a family.
I drove by the café and I could see Mike through the window at the cash register as I drove by. I hadn't realized I was staring until I heard honking from a car behind me. They drove around me while waving their fist at me. I blushed as I continued driving. Why was I staring? Just remember if you tell yourself something for long enough it will become true.
This isn't love, this isn't love, it can't be. He is just an employee. Why am I like this anyway I only just met him and I'm already acting strange. Just focus on the road.
I kept driving when I noticed I was already here. "Hey Vincent." Chris came over to me while waving.
"Hey, butler harasser." I chuckled locking my car then stuffed my keys in my pants pocket. "Hey, I am merely taking interest in something I like."
"Well I've known you long enough to know that when you find something or someone you want you do anything and everything to get it."
"Yea, you should try it." He laughed as we walked into the main room then we walked and talked around until it was time for the Photoshoot. "Hey, Vincent." A voice chuckled from behind. It was Moe with his wife Daisy, but we call her Doll as a nickname. "Hello Moe, Doll." We shook hands and grabbed a drink before chatting a bit. "So I here your 20th Anniversary is coming up next week.~ How are you two going to commemorate it this year?" I smirked while lightly nudging his shoulder. They laughed then took a sip from the red wine imported from France. Amusant Tipsy, I believe you call it. "Ah yes," He chuckled swapping glances with Doll who took another sip. "We planned to have a romantic evening at The Grand Royal Hotel in Florida and the night will be filled with a little fun, right Doll?~" "Oh you naughty boy, yes we shall~" She giggled, playfully slapping his upper arm. "Have you ever thought of finding anyone yet Vincent? The world is a giant game of love." Finding someone? That's never really came to my mind. That's when it hit me.

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