~Chapter 3~

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Scott's P.O.V
"I'm..I'm in love with....none of your business, bye!" I patted his poofed-up, black hair like a parent would a child then jumped into my car and drove off to my shared house. He's never going to find out...he mustn't know.
"Ready Jere?" "Y-Yea."
Mike P.O.V.
Fuck! I was close to figuring out who it was! I guess I'll have to find out another time.

I grumbled to myself as I walked off to my rented house. God, I hate renting or paying for something you're not even keeping. At least I bought my blue Lotus Esprit V8 when I had the most golden opportunity and I always keep her in good condition.

Soon, I reached my destination then opened the door to my crappy house.
I let Mitchy out of his cage and he started running circles around me before tackling me to the ground and licked my face. "Mitchy stop!" I giggled at the pup's actions trying to push him off.

He finally got tired and jumped off of me then sat beside me while wagging his tail. "I take it that you missed me." I chuckled and ruffled his brown and white fur before standing up. I checked on his food and water and made sure it was filled up because of work tomorrow.

I should really get some shut-eye, have to wake up early." I quickly changed into my aqua blue pj's and hugged my stuffed Foxy the Pirate Fox plushie I got from a pizzeria I liked going to long ago when I was little.
What? Don't judge me, everyone has their deep secrets they'd never tell any living soul even if they could keep it.
Setting my alarm to 5:00 AM, I turned on my side and took a nap.
Vincent's P.O.V.
After the photoshoot ended, Chris and I met up again to hang out in the lounge room.

"So, harass any good butlers lately?" I chuckled to myself as waiters offered us different things such as Crème Brûlée, Swedish crepes, Pie A La Mode, and all other kinds of things. He joined in on my chuckle while swirling a dark, grape purple liquid around in a wine glass.

"Did you find a boyfriend yet?"
"No. I don't plan on it." I folded my arms across my chest.
What is it with these people my love life?
"Exactly. You know, I can always hook you up with Sarah or Josh."
"No. Thank. You."

I huffed out in annoyance and looked out the window like a child.
"You always were stubborn. So tell me, who is he or she?" I glared at him with slight confusion and anger. "What the bloody hell are you talking about?"
"This person you're in love with."

My arms were thrown in the air in rage.
"I'm not in love, god damnit!" He sighed then crossed his legs taking a drink out of his cup.
Why is he the one upset?!

"The more you deny it, the more it's true. Look, obviously you're in denial. Is there something wrong with this person or something?"

I never mentioned I have a short-temper, did I? "How dare you!? He is perfect like a beautiful ang-" I stopped myself knowing I just screwed up while my face started burning.

"And we've established that this person is a 'he' and you think he's an angel so that means he is good-looking." He pulled out one of his smug smirks for accomplishing something I wish never happened. "Damn you."

I grumbled under my breath as a darker shade of pink crept up on my face.
"Well what is he? Is he a neighbor? A paper-boy? Stranger? Employee?" I don't have to sit here and take this, it's ridiculous!

I'm not in love! You believe me, right?
No? Why not? Fine then, be that way.
"Vincent, come on, I just want to help. Remember the last time you fell in love?" A sigh escaped from my lips and

I nodded, reminiscing in that horrible memory.
"Yes. It's been permanently planted in my brain, there is no forgetting it. That is why I never fall in love. So again I say I'm not in love." I knew we both could hear my voice cracking and a lump was growing in my throat. "Vincent wait, I didn't mean-"

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