Anger Attacks: Ember vs Peppa

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But first, how I feel about Ember's anger attacks in a vacuum: 

- The first time I saw Elemental, I was amazed at how Pixar managed it. The fact that Ember took her time to recover and it wasn't fixed immediately makes it feel more realistic. I love this movie.

- It's honestly rare to be able to connect with a character on such a personal level, but Pixar legit made her anger attacks feel genuine for the viewers. Anyone who has gone through that nightmare should feel a connection there.

- I had many anger attacks before, and I deeply relate to Ember in this. All I remember is me being unable to breathe and my heart was out of control.

- I know the feeling of anger attacks and they suck. So to see it dealt with in a kids' film so maturely is just simply amazing. 

- I remember watching Elemental and seeing the anger attack scenes, they were so relatable due to my experiences and the scenes were so well-handled, I love it.

- Ember's first anger attack actually scared me because Pixar knew how to use the built-up properly.

- LITERAL FIRE has incredibly realistic anger attacks. The scene just made me so sad. After the attacks, Ember is regretful and remorseful and is aware that others are scared of her. It's okay Ember, you're not suffering alone.

How I feel about Peppa's anger attacks in a vacuum:

- The anger attack scenes in Encunto where honestly disgusting. Clearly the writers have absolutely no idea how anger attacks work. The whole thing was handled so terribly.

- Peppa actually pisses me off so much. What a middle finger to people, myself included, who suffer from anger attacks and anger disorders.

- Encunto forgot to put in the part where after having an anger attack, you're remorseful and want to be left alone, it ain't pretty. 

And now to Ember's anger attacks vs Peppa's "anger attacks":

- As someone who has had anger attacks as frequently as she's been outside, I can say Elemental is a far more accurate portrayal than Encunto of what an anger attack is like and the stages of having one.

- Ember's anger attacks feel very intense, with the sounds of the build-up overwhelming everything else, making it feel like a moment of stress, even for the audience. After the attack, she feels remorse, a very realistic feeling after having an attack. It's a powerfully executed scene. Oh and I guess Peppa from Encunto has attacks as well.

- The fact that literal fire had more realistic anger attacks than an actual human is just sad and a testament to how great Elemental is.

- Ember's anger attacks hit hard. They were realistic, everything about them hit home. Many things in Encunto feel like a disgusting mockery for things that legitimately need to be taken seriously, like mental health.

- As someone who experiences anger attacks quite frequently, every bit of Peppa's "attacks" was a great guide on what NOT to react and what it DOESN'T look like. Seeing Ember's anger attacks in the cinema actually made me stressed because of how realistic they looked and felt, but the discussions about it were handled so beautifully also. Elemental has my entire heart.

- Elemental actually treats anger attacks like a serious thing, while Encunto not only makes fun of it but shows misleading and harmful information!

- The overwhelming situations and how they send Ember into anger attacks is more mature than anything in Encunto.

- On one side, you have a "movie about sentient natural phenomena" that treats its anger attacks realistically and very seriously which end with genuine remorse as Ember is recovering. On the other side, you have a "mature movie about humans" that portrays it more creatively but also comedically which is NOT how anger attacks should be portrayed.

- There's a reason why I'm talking about these things. Just because your movie has humans does not make you the more adult movie.

- Peppa's clouds over her head feels so mocking. Also a real attack doesn't end in a few seconds. Ember's anger attacks are realistic. We know the stress she is feeling without dialogue, and there is more raw emotion in her overwhelmed expressions than anything Peppa does.

- You can really feel Ember's situations. Her breathing and hyperventilating, the utter stress she just needs to let out. With Peppa, everything is wrong. Just wrong.

- Disney should be ashamed. A movie about literal sentient natural phenomena handled anger attacks better than them.

- Ember's anger attacks hit home so hard for me. I've been in this position, and to see her just... hyperventilating and focusing on nothing except her anger just really hit me deep. Peppa just speaks for herself, what kind of "anger attack" did the Disney writers see to think this is remotely accurate? And to even have the audacity to have her over it in a matter of seconds smh.

- I can't believe a movie about sentient natural phenomena has better representation of anger attacks and stress than a movie about humans like bruh.

- As someone who has frequent anger attacks, Peppa's scenes pissed me off so much. Especially after seeing Elemental, which I loved for its representation of anger attacks and how to cope with them.

- I feel very sorry for Ember, because I've been dealing with severe anger attacks and my anger is triggered very easily. The way Pixar represented them, showing how when you're in the middle of an attack, your brain just disconnects from the rest of everything, without making it a joke LIKE IN ENCUNTO is perfect.

- I find it ironic how Elemental (set in a fantasy world) dealt with anger attacks realistically while Encunto (set in a human world) dealt with them in a joking unrealistic manner.

- Encunto not only insults the audience's intelligence, but also follows it up with a joke. Elemental is one of those perfect movies that only comes around every 7-10 years. 

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