Chapter 6

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Michelle enjoyed her morning, reading messages from her fans, and she was currently texting Sam, happiness evident on her face. Rhian, her best friend, approached her, noting the joy.

"What's with the smiles, Honey?" Rhian asked, observing Michelle's happiness.

"Well, I'm just happy," Michelle replied, still looking at her phone.

"You are glowing. Who is it?" Rhian inquired.

"What do you mean, who is it?" Michelle questioned.

"The one that you are texting right now. I saw how your face lit up, and you're smiling widely," Rhian observed, smiling herself. "So, who is it?" she added.

"Her name is Samantha," Michelle responded.

"And you like her?" Rhian asked, smiling.

"Yes," Michelle replied.

"Great! Finally, I'm happy for you, Deedee. I want to meet her," Rhian announced. "We are really best friends; imagine, my boyfriend's name is Sam, and you like someone named Sam." The shared connection between their significant others brought an extra layer of excitement and joy to their friendship.

Rhian, intrigued by Michelle's newfound happiness, asked her best friend how she met Sam. Michelle, still beaming with joy, began to share the details, starting from the first time she saw Sam in the coffee shop.

Michelle recounted the unexpected encounter in the coffee shop, the recognition of Samantha as a public figure, and the subsequent interactions that followed. She shared the moments of connection, the exchanged messages, and the anticipation of their upcoming dinner.

Rhian listened attentively, absorbing the excitement and budding romance in Michelle's narrative. The story of Michelle and Sam's connection unfolded, revealing the serendipitous events that had brought them together. As Michelle shared her feelings and experiences, Rhian couldn't help but share in her friend's happiness, looking forward to the prospect of meeting the person who had captured Michelle's heart.

"She agreed to have dinner with you, right?" Rhian asked.

"Yes," Michelle responded with excitement.

"You like her, right?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then court her, Honey. You need to make a move because based on your stories about her, she definitely likes you too," Rhian advised her best friend.

Rhian's words resonated with Michelle, and the prospect of taking steps to deepen her connection with Samantha filled her with both excitement and a touch of nervousness. The encouragement from her best friend added a supportive dimension to Michelle's journey into this budding romance, making her even more eager for the upcoming dinner with Sam.

As the night fell, Samantha prepared herself for the upcoming dinner with Michelle. Excitement filled her as she looked forward to seeing Michelle again, and she took extra care in making sure everything was just right for their evening together.

On the other side, Michelle also prepared herself for the special night. Beyond selecting the perfect outfit and ensuring she looked her best, Michelle took a moment to practice a speech. She wanted to convey to Sam that she genuinely liked her and was interested in courting her. The words held the sincerity of Michelle's feelings, and she hoped they would resonate with Sam when the time came.

Both women, in their own ways, readied themselves for an evening that held the promise of deepening their connection and exploring the potential for something more. The air was charged with anticipation as they approached this pivotal moment in their evolving relationship.

Michelle arrived at the venue looking absolutely gorgeous, her beauty radiating as she waited for Samantha to arrive. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as Michelle's eyes lit up at the sight of Samantha walking in. In that moment, Michelle felt like the world around her had stopped, captivated by Samantha's allure.

Samantha entered the venue, exuding confidence and beauty. Michelle couldn't help but admire how attractive Samantha looked the way she dressed, her hair, everything about her seemed to enhance the enchanting aura that surrounded her.

As Samantha approached, Michelle's heart fluttered, and she couldn't suppress the smile that graced her face. The evening held the promise of a special connection, and Michelle couldn't wait to share it with Samantha.

Hi, gorgeous," Samantha spoke warmly while hugging Michelle.

"Wow, Sam, you look ethereal," Michelle complimented.

"Thank you for the compliment," Samantha responded, smiling widely.

"Shall we order now?" Michelle asked Sam.

"Yes, please," Samantha agreed.

They placed their orders, and soon their food arrived. As they enjoyed their meal, they engaged in a conversation that covered various topics, from their busy work lives to their thoughts on an ideal partner.

After the delightful exchange, Michelle, feeling a surge of courage, decided it was the perfect moment to express her feelings. With sincerity in her eyes, Michelle took a deep breath and made a full speech, expressing her interest in courting Samantha.

"Sam, I know you've only known me for like a month, but I like you a lot, and we have a lot in common in many aspects. I want to know you more. Well, what I'm saying is... Can I court you, Sam?" Michelle asked, waiting for Samantha's response with anticipation.

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