John: "The oldest she's 16 and the youngest 13 very obsessed, with your new album thank you next, all I hear around the house, I probably know all the lyrics to thank you next."

Ariana: "Why don't we sing it together and see if you do." I kid.

Chloe: "Actually that wouldn't be a bad idea John, we should give it a try."

John: "No, you don't want to hear my raspy voice, this podcast/show is about Ariana over here."

Chole: "After the session, I want to hear that song, I bet Ariana does too." She makes me giggle.

Ariana: "I'll make sure to give you some good ass pointers to help you sing better." I joke.

John: "Let's get back to Ariana, I do have to say we been trying to get in contact with your teams for 2 months for this interview before you tour began, it was very difficult, your one busy woman to get a hold of, touring, writing music, promotions, and not to forget your love life as well."

Ariana: "It's been very stressful, I won't lie about that, but all of this had been worth it and I would change it for a bit John." I smile.

John: "What makes this tour so special so far compared to all the other tours you've done, besides being one of your most successful years as an artist."

Ariana: "All the tours I've done are special to me, but I guess what makes this different is how it's healing me so far, all the support I've gotten from friends, family and especially my adoring fans."

Chole: "One month left before you're off to tour Europe, probably excited I assume."

Ariana: "A little nervous but yes I'm really excited to go out there again and meet my European fans."

John: "Just a little heads up Chloe hasn't gone to one of your concerts yet."

I gasp very shocked about that.

Ariana: "I have so many concerts left before I go to Europe, I can give you a ticket to any of those or my concert tomorrow!!"

Chloe: "I was and am planning to go soon with some of my friends, it's very sweet of you to offer, but I'll actually be going to your concert In Indianapolis."

Ariana: "I better see you there, or I'm going to call you out if I don't."

Chole: "You're definitely going to see me." 

John: "I know you can't say much but I heard you're doing a documentary, behind the scenes on this tour, maybe you can give a little sneak peak about that."

Ariana: "Sorry, I can say a word but yes that is true but you're going to have to wait like everyone else when it comes out after my tour ends." 

John: "Not just a little preview, details about anything?"

Ariana: "Sorry I can't."

Chloe: "Ariana? I just want to address a matter that everyone's asking, apart from your amazing tour, what's going on with your current relationship with Faith Gomez? 

This was where things started to get a little anxious for me, I knew what was/might be going to come after with these questions.

Chole: "You tweet an apology for a certain video of her going viral all over online, I am not one to make any assumptions but rumors are going around saying you're close to breaking up, and with new images of her getting into some sort of fight at your concerts back in Pittsburgh."

Ariana: "First of all we're working through this rough patch in our relationship, she's been dealing with a lot of things personally, and secondly she's very sorry for what she's done…we're not perfect we make mistakes in our lives, I'm not breaking up, it happened and what can I do?"

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