"Come on."

"Seriously! You're genuine. Something others can only imitate."

T thought for a moment. "They're gonna boo me off the stage."

"No way." I shook my head. "And if they wanna try I'll end them." I shrugged.

"That's sweet. But-"

"Tell you what? If you sing at the winter formal, I'll go." I smirked.

Timothy sighed. "You promise you'd tell me if it sounded like crap?"

"You know me. I tell you you suck or look ridiculous regularly."

Timothy laughed and pushed a pillow into my face.

I flung it across the room.

"Fine. Just know that I'm only singing for you." Timothy kissed my cheek and lay back down.

I was in Math class and did what most people did during it, texting. I was texting Timothy of course. Who else was even remotely interesting to me anymore?

T: cant focus bc of u .-.

You: are you saying im distracting u

T: .__. wht do u think

You: nah distracting u is dragging u into a closet

You: speaking of which...



You: wht am i? a dog?

T: a horndog~

You: pff

You: meet me in the closet :)

T: no

You: pleaseee


You: ill be good. i wont fuck u

T: promise?

You: i swear

T: ok. see u in 5

You: see u

I tapped my foot impatiently and stared at the clock. Come on! Math sucks, what do you even need it for? It's called a calculator. Come on! Get me out of here!

"Are you on steroids?" Claire, who was sitting behind me asked.


"Are you sure? You're acting like it." She pointed at my foot.

I stopped tapping. "I just wanna get out of here."

The bell finally rang and I almost ran out of class.

"Joshua! At least wait till I've assigned your homework!" My teacher yelled after me.

I didn't give a flying fuck. I had to get to Timothy. I would just text Claire about the homework or something. Who fucking cares?

I ran into the hall and straight into the janitor's closet. But it was still empty.


I texted T.

You: where ru

You: get in here

He didn't answer. And five minutes later still nothing.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now