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My apartment was finally ready so I could move out of the hotel. During my weekend with Jason, I wanted him to settle into his new room before doing something fun together.

But first I needed to take him to his morning violin class. According to his mother, he no longer sounded like he was strangling a cat and I was curious to hear him play.

"Good morning, Francesca," I said, shaking her hand politely, as Jason ran off to his class.

I hardly ever came to the music school, so the owner still referred to me by my last name.

"Good morning, Mr. del Fiume. How are you? How is your lovely wife?"

"I'm well, thank you," I replied, feeling the need to correct her error. "I believe my EX-wife looked happy when I picked up Jason this morning."

"Apologies, force of habit," she said, looking flustered.

Why did I even make such an issue of it? It wasn't like I was interested in her!

"There was something I wanted to discuss, do you prefer that I speak to your... to Julie?"

We can talk. Let's not forget that I'm the one who's paying your extortionate hourly rates, Francesca!

"By all means," I said, taking off my gloves.

She guided me to her office and offered me a seat. There was a pack of cigarettes on her desk and I immediately got a craving, even though I'd quit years ago.

"Jason is doing really well but he's reached a critical juncture. I believe he can benefit from some additional support in order to truly excel."

And there it was! How much exactly was this "additional support" going to cost me, Francesca? Parents often had a hard time saying "no" when it concerned their kids but I did not suffer from this problem.

"What do you suggest?" I asked, realizing that Julie would want to know either way.

"Well, I've recently hired a new teacher straight out of the Conservatory. I think a young energy and a slightly firmer hand than Miss Susan, is exactly what Jason needs."

Interesting tactic, Francesca. You make a new hire, probably so you can expand your business and testdrive him on your existing students. I would've been more impressed, if it wasn't going to cost ME more money.

"I prefer to discuss with Julie first," I said, not wanting to deal with this now.

"Of course," Francesca said, looking somehow disappointed. Did she think I'd agree by default?

"Atleast, let me introduce you to Amir," she insisted. Without waiting for an answer, Francesca left her office and returned a moment later.

Oh, fuck! Jason was definitely going to be getting "additional support".

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