You can't save everybody | 4/5

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Every MC had their business and their secrets. In the case of SOA, only their members could know with all its details what was really happening. That was something you hated, but over time you had learnt to accept. The little you knew was that you were living through dark times again and that the Mayans had broken Jax Teller's last will. In essence, war was here once more.

"We are not going anywhere!", you told him for the third time. "Are you out of your fucking mind or what?!"

"Fine. Stay", Happy answered. "I'll go alone."

"Fuck no! You are not leaving Charming. Chibs says that desert is Mayans' territory. And you are in the middle of a fucking war, shithead!", you explained to him once more. "Do you want to die for nothing? That's your fucking problem?"

"I'm gonna die of boredom anyway if you keep bitching around me all the fucking day!"

You pursed your lips, and Happy took it as an opportunity to go to your bedroom and slam the door.

"Fucking asshole", you muttered. However, you took a few deep breaths to calm yourself before following his steps.

Despite the wonderful months you had spent since he officially made you his Old Lady, you had had some problems with Happy recently. You managed to convince him to stay last time he suggested leaving Charming to be the temporary president for SAMDINO, but this time his mood was even worst. However, you wouldn't get anything by arguing. That's why you went to the dorm and opened the door softly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to bother you", you told him. Happy was sitting on the bed, his face hidden behind the palms of his hands. "I'm just worried."

"I'm sorry too", you heard him mumble. "I'm going fucking crazy. There're so many bodies. So many dead brothers. That's not what Jax died for."

You walked towards him and sat next to him, caressing his back tenderly in an attempt to bring him some kind of comfort.

"Everything's hard and complicate, but you can't lose your mind now, babe", you remembered him. "It's not safe for you to leave and be out there by your own. When problems knock on the door, you have to stay near your family. Do you remind it? You taught me that."

"I know. I fucking know".

Suddenly, Happy rested his head on your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your body as if he wanted even more caresses for all the time that was possible. Unfortunately, your mobile phone ringing cut that sweet moment.

"Who is it?", he asked at your frown.

"I don't know. I should take it."

You didn't recognise the number. It could simply be someone mistaken, but you had a bad feeling about it. So, when Happy released you from the needy hug, you got back on your feet and answered the call.

"This is a private call from...", the first you heard was a robotic feminine voice. And suddenly, you heard his voice for just a second before the previous voice kept talking. "To accept the call, press five."

While doing as she said, you walked out of the dorm leaving the door half open. It only took a few seconds before you listened to his voice again.

"I need your help."

The conversation was short. And once you were back into the room, Happy looked at you warily. He might have read in your face that things weren't quite right.

"What happens?", he asked.

"Something you are not gonna like."


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