You can't save everybody | 3/5

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Being in Charming again was strange, but above all it was scary. You had been out of the city for about five weeks, and now you were afraid that they hadn't missed you or that they didn't want you back. But it was too late to back out.

"Are you ready?", Creeper asked you, rubbing your back tenderly.

As you didn't have a car, Neron had offered to drive you to Charming. He was wearing a jacket over his kutt because it wasn't a good idea for a Mayan to be seen in SOA's territory without giving them a call first. For this reason, he had stopped his bike a few blocks from the Teller-Morrow workshop.

"I am", you answered. "Thanks for taking me here. And for everything else."

"It's been my pleasure."

The reality was that you were going to miss him, which wasn't appropriate to say out loud or it could lead to misunderstandings.

"May we meet again", you added instead. "And call if you ever need a hand. Even if it's just to talk."

"I'll do", he nodded. "The same goes for you, love."

"Okay. I'll do it too."

Creeper was the kind of man who always looked after his people. And even though it was a goodbye for now, you already were one of his own.

With nothing more to say, you gave him a heart-felt hug which he did not hesitate to reciprocate. No words were necessary, so after a last smile, he took his bike and drove back to Santo Padre. Once you were alone, you took a deep breath and started walking down the street with a clear destination.

It was getting dark by the time you arrived at the TM, which was already close. However, their bikes were there, so you assumed they'll be inside the clubhouse. Your heart beat so fast you thought it would explode. And for better or worse, one of the Sons had already seen you as he was sitting outside on the wooden table.

"Look at who we have here!", Tig exclaimed. Both of you walked towards each other until he was able to welcome you with an embrace. "When have you come back? Come in, boys will love to see you."

You didn't have time to talk or even think again about whether this was a good idea or not because Tig guided you directly to the entrance. And his arm was still around your shoulders when you crossed the door, so you couldn't run away.

"I have found a lost bunny outside, brothers", was Tig's way of announcing your return. And while you were telling him not to call you that, the rest of the boys came to give you a warm welcome.

For a few minutes, it was all hugs, questions about how you were doing, and sentences assuring you that they had missed you and were glad you were back. The situation changed when you caught Happy's eyes on you. Even his brothers understood they should give you some space, so they went to the bar counter to take some beers. Only then, Happy slowly walked towards you, leaving half a metre between the two of you.

"Hey", you said.

"Hey", he responded.

Suddenly, you felt the atmosphere colder and a stronger stomach ache due to nerves. Anyway, nothing could change the excitement you were feeling for seeing him again.

"I've missed you."

Happy tensed his jaw and, for a moment, you thought he was going to kick you out. Instead, he put one arm around your back to keep you close and rested his head on your shoulder regardless of the height difference between you. He wasn't hugging you, it was more like he was looking for some kind of comfort from you. Like a child who has been hurt.

"Cut the bullshit you two and came with us to celebrate Y/N is back home", Chibs said, which was enough for Happy to give you back your personal space.

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