Chapter 15

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Remy's POV
"Hey babe turn here."
"Sam, we're out in the boonies. Are you taking me out here to murder me?"
"Yes and feed you to the racoons. Have a little faith Rem."
I pull off the highway and onto the county road. I didn't know there were still dirt roads, but I pass several. I'm just glad I'm finally off for break and spending an entire week with my favorite person.
"Pull over at this gas station,"she instructs me. "This is where I used to work. I don't see Linda's car... ha! There's Beverly's!"
She jumps out of my car. I follow her and she sneaks in the store. I walk in like a regular human being right behind her.
The short blonde lady looks up from whatever she's doing and walks up to the register. "Hey there, what can I do for you?" She smiles at me.
My ninja girlfriend then jumps up and shouts "boo!"
Mild confusion turns into pure joy when she realizes what is going on.
"Sammy! Oh my god I've missed you so much!" She practically flies around the counter and throws her arms around Sam. They talk for a minute before Sam wraps her arm around my waist. "This is my girlfriend Remy. Remy, this is Beverly. Pretty much my second mom."
We exchange greetings and Sam asks if we could cook some pizzas.
"Sure. Linda drove to town to get some stuff. Just don't make a mess," she says sternly, pointing a finger at us and making an angry face before breaking out into laughter.
Sammy leads me into the "employee only" section and shows me how to make a pizza. I begin covering the little 8" pizza in sauce, cheese, and toppings when Sam Frisbee tosses a pepperoni at me.
"Hey now! That lady is gonna come back here and yell at you."
"I'm not scared of someone who isn't even 5 feet tall. But if you expect me to kiss you after you put all of those peppers and onions on your pizza, you can forget it."
"You know you can't resist me," I fire back.
"Yeah I know."
She slides our pizzas in the oven and kisses me on the cheek. "I'll be right back. I gotta pee."
As she walks out Beverly walks in.
"Hey Beverly. Thanks for letting us make some lunch," I smile at her from my seat on the counter.
"No problem. How long have you two been together?" She asks me suddenly.
Taken a little aback, I answer, "officially, like a week. But we've been flirting since the beginning of the school year."
She simply nods and gives a slight smile. "She was so sad for a good while. Did you know I was the first person she came out to?"
"I had no idea. You must mean a whole lot to her."
"I guess so. And I love that kid so much. She's like my own daughter. I really like you, too. Just don't hurt her, okay?" Her blue eyes pierced into mine.
"I swear to you, I will not hurt her in any way," I meet her gaze. "I already know I love her. I'm not going to mess this up."
She smiles at me and pats my knee. "I know you won't."
Sam walks back in and we chat and laugh until our pizzas are done. We sit in a booth and eat lunch. She pays for our lunch (no matter how many times I tried to pay). She goes to retrieve me from the booth to which I respond "I'm so full of pizza and sleepy I don't wanna get up."
"Well come on then," she says and squats. "Piggy back ride. All aboard!"
I jump on her back and she carries me out of the store. She carries me all the way out to the car and sets me on the ground.
"My hero," I kiss her on the cheek. She grins at me and then a look of pain crosses her face.
"Ouch! Shit what was that?!" She asks and looks down at her leg. I barely see a bug fly away before looking back at her.
"I think a wasp stung you. Are you okay?"
"I think so. Just let me sit down for a minute," she says, holding on to me as she falls to the pavement. I pull the stinger out and examine it closer.
"Babe that's swelling really bad already. Are you feeling okay?" I ask, trying not to panic.
" I really... I don't know..." she says between breaths. "it's kinda hard... for me to breath."
I put my finger to the vein on her wrist. "Your pulse is going crazy. I'm calling an ambulance." She weakly tries to tell me not to as I prop her up against a pole. Running back inside, I wildly look for Beverly.
"Call an ambulance. Sam's having an allergic reaction," I say, not even giving her a chance to speak. She nods and I race back outside. I wait for it to show up and then try to hop on.
"Who are you? Her sister?" The man loading her up asks me.
"No I'm her girlfriend," I respond.
"You have to follow us in your car, then," he says and closes the door.
I quickly hop in my convertible and follow, swearing profanities at them the entire way. When I get there I'm directed to a waiting room and told to sit. A couple of hours feel like a year when the nurse finally says "was someone here for Sam Wilde?"
"Yeah that's me," I say, almost sprinting to the counter.
"She's in room 431 if you'd like to go see her now. She didn't have a phone or anything, do you happen to have her moms phone number or anything?"
"I know her name is Amanda. That's pretty much it."
"Okay good we can look it up. You can go see your friend now," she throws me a patronizing smile at me.
I ride the elevator up to her room, tapping my foot the entire time. I walk in without knocking, hardly even pausing at the door.
She looks me up and down, gives a low whistle, and says "hello sexy."
I don't know who looks more surprised, me or her. She gets a panicked look and blurts out "ah shit I'm sorry. You're pretty but I have a girlfriend."
"I am your girlfriend," I reply.
"Well then, hello my sexy girlfriend."
"They have her doped upppp," a male nurse says without even looking up from his clipboard. He writes something down and then leaves, closing the door behind him. I roll my eyes even though he's gone.
I walk over to Sam's bed and she grabs my hand. "How did I get so lucky?" She asks me in a sluggish voice.
"I'm the lucky one," I say, grinning at her. She scoots over on the bed.
"Lay with me."
"You're gonna get in trouble."
"You're worth the trouble."
I lay down beside her and she rests her head on my shoulder. "I'm schleepy. Imma take a nappy noo."
"I'll be here when you wake up," I smile. I'm glad she's okay, I was so worried about her. I lay with her for a while, just listening to her breathing steadily. The door opens, and a tiny blonde woman walks in.
"Hey Beverly. She's okay. She scared the Hell out of me, but she's okay."
"She's a tough little cookie. I just wanted to check on her."
"I'm sure she'll want to talk to you. Hold on," I say. I gently pat her leg to wake her up. "Hey baby. Someone came to see you."
She wakes up with a startle and focuses her eyes. "Bev! You okay?"
"You're laying in a hospital bed, but you ask me if I'M okay?"
"Well yeah. Gotta make sure my mom is okay."
Beverly shakes her head in disbelief at me. "What did the doctor say?"
"She should be okay. Bed rest is all she needs. Oh and some meds. Pretty soon she should be back to her over energetic self," I reply, absent-mindedly playing with Sam's fingers.
"You better take good care of her, then," the tiny woman tells me.
"I will. No strenuous activity," I quote the doctor.
"Good. Has your mom been up yet?" She asks Sam.
"What? My mom?" Sam looks awake for the first time.
"Amanda was talking to the lady at the front desk. I figured she would have already been up by now."
I practically jump off of her bed. I don't know if she's out to her mom, but I better not risk it.
We stand and talk for a while when a woman that looks almost exactly like her, only older, walks in.
"Oh my God Samantha. Are you okay?" She cries, falling on top of Sam.
She wraps an arm around her mom and says "geez I'm okay. I won't be if you strangle me."
Amanda makes sure Sam is okay before looking around the room. "Hey Beverly you're looking good. And you are... Sam's friend?"
"That's me. Remy," I reply, scared of what she may say.
"She saved me mom. She was there and got me help in time," Sam grins at me.
"Thank you so much," her mom says, hugging me too.
"Uh... no problemo," I say, not sure how to hug her back.
We stand in awkward silence for a couple of minutes. Sam finally says "Hey Rem will you go grab me a candy bar? I've got money in-"
"I've got some cash. Do you want me to take Beverly?" I ask.
She nods and I see her swallow hard. I look at her questioningly and she gives me the most pathetic attempt at a smile I've ever seen.
"Let's go get some chocolate," I tell the short blonde. She nods and we walk out into the hallway.
As I close the door, I hear Sam say, "mom, there's something I need to tell you."

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