Chapter 12

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A/N: thanks guys for 215 reads!! A while back I couldn't believe I had actually reached 100 reads and look at this! Please leave me some comments and likes it really means the world to me. Stay awesome bros!


"Samantha, get your lazy butt up so we can go."

Groaning, I get up and get ready. How I slept until 11, I'll never know. Putting my last few things in my backpack, I throw it and my trunk in the car. "Well, goodbye apartment, I'll miss you." I lock the door and get in the car. An hour long drive ahead, I get comfy with a book to read when a though hits me. I shout "stop!" And Mom slams on the brakes and I barrel out of the car. Flying thorough the warm August air, I storm up the stairs and open the door. I grab my Snapback and place it carefully on my head, letting the hair in the front hang out at bit. Feeling pretty fly, I flash a crooked grin at myself and slam the door before running back down the stairs. I ignore mom when I hear her mutter about how dumb it is to wear a hat on backwards. I cross my arms and ride in silence. We get to the parking lot where the school's bus is supposed to pick us up. Other girls are waiting all around us too. Finally the charter bus gets there and we load our stuff on.

"Name?" The driver asks of me after he throws my trunk in the stow - a - way.

"Sam Wilde," I state.

"Let's see... ah here you go," he says, handing me a manilla envelope. I thank him and get on the bus.

I hear some girls stop talking as soon as I get on. "I didn't know they let a boy on here," one girl with long, blonde hair says loudly, eliciting the laugh of most of the others. Knowing immediately they were referring to my boy short hair, my face and ears turn bright red with embarrassment. I find a seat in the back and put in the ear buds to an MP3 player mom doesn't know I have. If she did, she probably would've taken it away too.

We ride for an half an hour when the girl in front of me turns around and says something.

"What?" I ask, pulling an ear bud out.

"Who is your roommate?" She repeated.

"How should I know?"

"Look in your packet, dummy."

I pull it out and look through the different pages. "Hmm..... It's someone named Remy Sparks."

"Yes!" She exclaims. "It's okay, new girl has Remy!" There are a few shouts and several sighs of relief.

"Why? What's wrong with Remy?" I ask.

"She's horrible! She got her previous roommates kicked out," she answers. She continues talking to the girl next to her, in which I'm pretty sure I heard her call me "the dyke."

I ride the remaining trip without speaking to anyone else. We get off the bus and are told not to get our luggage, but to go straight to the auditorium. We had to sit through a brief meeting. About 4 hundred girls filled the seats. I couldn't focus on what he was saying, all i could think about was Remy and how uncomfortable my seat is. It was finally over (we were asked to try not to set the kitchen on fire this year) and we were allowed to go get our stuff. I grabbed mine and got on the elevator to go to the 4th floor where juniors and seniors shared a floor.

It took forever to get a ride to the top floor. I finally get out and walk into the same beige wallpapers I've seen in every single room in this building. I walk down to room 413 and see my name on the door. Sparks, Remy and under it, Wilde, Sam. At least 13 is my lucky number. I turn the know and see that the door is already unlocked. I push the door open and look around, only to feel a sharp pain in my forehead and hear something rubber hit the ground.

The Girl With the Rainbow HairDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora