Chapter 13

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A/N: All of a sudden the story jumped to 516! I just wanted to say thank you since 13 is my lucky number. So thank yoooou!


I wake with a jolt. Sunlight is streaming through the window. I look down at the bottom bunk. Remy is sitting there, completely dressed and with full make-up.
"What time is it?" I ask half asleep.
"7:50," she replies, still playing a game on her phone.
"What?! Class starts in 10 minutes! Why didn't my alarm clock go off?" I ask scrambling out of bed.
"I turned it off because it was annoying me. Are those boxers?"
"We can talk about that later," I reply, throwing on some basketball shorts. Is my tee shirt too wrinkly? Nope good enough. I run a brush through my boy short hair and grab a pencil, practically flying out of the door. I run over to another building and burst through the biology class doors.
"Late on the first day, Miss Wilde? I can forgive you this time, since you are a new student. Be on time from now on," an older woman tells me. She had to be at least 60, with long white hair and a horrendous dress.
"Yes ma'am, " I reply, taking the nearest empty seat in the very back. The teacher goes over the syllabus and class procedure.
"Here's the fire blanket. If anyone catches on fire, throw it on them."
The girl to my left raises her hand. "Yes, miss Pettus?"
"What if the fire blanket catches on fire?" She asks seriously.
"I'm not going to answer stupid questions," the lady says and turns back to the whiteboard. The girl flips her off and continues to doodle. I see that her name is T.J. She has long brown hair and is, well, average. Not that I judge people. She just doesn't stick out like some people.
"Just to see what you already know, we will be taking a little quiz. It won't count much toward your final grade."
Everyone in the room groans. I start circling answers. I see T.J. trying to look at my paper, but I don't let her copy off of mine.
"Move your damn hand, lefty!" She whispers loudly to me. Giving up, I move my hand so she could see my paper. It didn't matter much anyways. Except when the teacher, Mrs. Watterson, sees her cheating.
" Sam and T.J., you may stay after class," she says calmly while taking our tests away. I watch helplessly as she marks a single large circle in red ink. Great, my very first grade and it's a zero. I don't pay attention during the rest of class and stand at her desk with the look of shame on my face.
"I will not tolerate cheating in my class," she says, a stern look on her face.
"I wasn't cheating!" I yell to no avail.
"Calm down. I already gave you slack today, but no more. You both get a zero, no arguments."
"But, ma'am I-" I start.
"NO ARGUMENTS. You may leave now. Oh and TJ, you may sit in the front of class tomorrow."
She mutters "bullshit" as we leave the class. I go on to my precalculus class. I see her turn into algebra and chuckle to myself. Not that I hate on people who aren't as smart, I just think it's funny that her in particular isn't very bright.
I walk into class, clutching my spiral bound notebook for dear life. The tall, skinny man Remy and I ran into the other morning stands at the podium. "Have a seat. You must be... Sam Wilde, correct?"
"Yes sir," I reply.
"Hey look, it's Sammy! I got a seat over here," says Remy, gesturing to a seat next to her.
I make my way over to sit by her. I've been in the back seats all morning. On my way, I hear a girl whisper "dyke" right before my leg collides with hers. Nearly falling down, I recover as everyone laughs. My ears burn red as I take my seat. A note in scribbled handwriting sits on my desk.
Why does Mr. Oliver only wear long sleeves?
Me: I don't know, I just got here.
Fair point. We've never seen what his arms look like. It's weird.
I slide the note under my notebook and listen to the rest of class. I'm glad I have Remy in this one. It's really nice to have a friend. I look over to her about ten minutes later and see that she's got her head on her crossed arms, fast asleep.
"Remy, i don't suppose you know the equivalent to the square root of 3 over 3 on the unit circle, do you?"
"Huh?" She asks, snapping to attention with a huge red mark on her forehead.
"Just as I thought," he says, continuing with his lessons. Miraculously, she writes the correct answer in her notebook. When she sees me looking, she winks at me and then lays her head back down.
Several classes and a crappy lunch later, I finally get to go back to my dorm. Remy is curled up on her bed with her back to me. At first I think she's just asleep, but then I hear her sniffle.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, shaking her shoulder.
"I don't want to talk about it," she says without moving.
"Come on, you can talk to me," I say.
"Fiiiiiine," she rolls over to look at me. Her makeup is all screwed up, her eyes red. "My girlfriend broke up with me."
"Aww what happened?" I ask, hand still on her shoulder.
"She just ended it. Gave me some crap about finding someone else. A boy. Girls suck."
"Hey, pull yourself together. I have a plan."
10 minutes later, she looked completely herself, but I could tell she still feels like crap.
We sneak down to the kitchen and she sits on the metal table. I start throwing stuff on the counter; peanuts, strawberries, chocolate sauce, and most importantly, ice cream.
"What's all of this?" She asks me, swinging her legs.
"Ice cream sundaes. The ultimate feel good food," I reply, scooping out some frozen deliciousness.
We eat in silence and throw out bowls in the sink.
"Do you think we should clean up?" She asks while putting away everything.
"Nah. Let 'em try to figure it out," I wink at her.
"Thanks. For making me feel better, I mean," she sits on the floor beside me, our outstretched legs touching.
"No problem dude. We gotta look out for each other. No one's really been nice to me," I reply.
"I don't know why. You're nice, cute, and funny," she smiles.
"You think I'm cute?"
"Did I say that?"
"I think you're pretty cute yourself."
We both started smiling. Her grey eyes fixed on my green ones. I'm so close I can see the little flecks of gold in them. Shit. I really like her. Shit.
She leans in to kiss me. I really, really want to kiss her. But I know it isn't the right thing. At the last second I turn away and shake my head.
"I'm sorry. You just got your heart broken, you're hurting and you just want to feel good. I really like you, but i want you to like me, not just want me."
"Sam, thank you for being sincere. Don't worry, I'll win you over," she winks and then kisses my cheek. I try to reply but the door opens.
"Shit! Bail! Get in the pantry!" I whisper loudly. We half crawl half run into the pantry. Just as the inside door to the kitchen opens, we shut the door to the oh-so-tiny-closet. We stand chest to chest trying not to breathe too heavily.
"Jesus Christ you're so tiny why are are your boobs so big?" She whispers so quietly I can barely hear her.
"I don't want to hear it! You're so tall yours are in my face!"
"Oh shut up you know you love it!"
"Look here-"
The door opens and a very stern - looking lady glares at us, arms crossed.
"Urma, it's not what it looks like," Remy says while trying to get out of the closet.
"Do you know what your father would say? Remy Sparks, stuck in a closet with some girl. Give me one reason why I shouldn't march you up to his office right now."
Remy's dad works here?
"I'm sorry. I really truly am. I promise I won't cause any more problems," Remy smiles her sweetest smile at her. How she can look so innocent and so sexy at other times I'll never know.
Urma sighs and shakes her head. "Remy, you can't be stressing your folks out. They're good people. Go on, get out of here. But I better not catch either of you in here again," she glares at me.
We rush out of the kitchen and run back up to our room. "Sorry Rem, I didn't mean to get you in trouble."
"Are you kidding?" She laughs. "That was awesome! I haven't gotten to do anything fun in so long. I've got a sugar rush. Whoo!" She yells, jumping around the room.
"Calm down dude," I laugh with her. We have a great time jumping around and throwing things at each other. Our neighbors knock on the wall until we stop. Then we stay up even later just talking and laughing. Looks like this school might not be as bad as I thought.

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