Unstopable -Sia

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Jessica had always been the type of person who wore her heart on her sleeve. She was sensitive, caring, and always willing to put others before herself. But after a few failed relationships, Jessica realized that her open heart was also her biggest weakness. She decided to put on her armor, to show the world just how strong she was.

One day, Jessica met a man named Alex. He was charming, confident, and had a smile that could light up a room. They hit it off immediately, and Jessica felt herself starting to fall for him.

But as they got closer, Jessica started to feel the old familiar pangs of vulnerability. She knew that Alex had the power to hurt her, and she didn't know if she was ready to take that risk.

That's when she remembered the lyrics of "Unstoppable." She put on her armor, determined to show Alex that she was strong, independent, and unstoppable.

Jessica refused to be the kind of woman who depended on a man for her happiness. She pursued her own passions, worked hard, and took care of herself. And in doing so, she found that Alex was drawn to her strength and determination.

Their relationship blossomed, and Jessica realized that she didn't need to take off her armor for Alex to love her. In fact, he loved her more because of it. He saw the woman who was unstoppable, who was a Porsche with no brakes, and he was in awe.

Years later, as Jessica looked back on their love story, she realized that putting on her armor had been the best decision she ever made. It allowed her to be true to herself, to be the strong and independent woman she always wanted to be. And it was that strength that ultimately brought her the love she had always dreamed of.

Jessica knew that love wasn't always easy, and that there were still challenges they would face together. But with her armor on, she felt ready to face anything that came their way. She knew that no matter what life threw at them, she was unstoppable.


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