The Abandoned Asylum

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The old asylum stood on a hill overlooking
the town. It had been abandoned for
years, but the rumors about it never
stopped. Some people said it as haunted by the ghosts of the patients who had died there. Others said it was a place where evil spirits gathered.

One night, a group of teenagers decided
to go to the asylum to see for themselves
if the rumors were true. They snuck onto
the property and made their way inside.
The asylum was dark and dusty, and the
air was filled with the smell of decay. The
teenagers explored the abandoned rooms, their hearts pounding with fear. They found old beds, broken furniture and stacks of files.

As they explored, they heard strange
noises. They heard footsteps, whispers
and laughter. They saw shadows moving
in the darkness. The teenagers were
starting to get scared. They wanted to
leave, but they were afraid of getting lost.

Suddenly, they heard a loud crash. They
turned around and saw a figure standing
in the doorway. The figure was tall and
thin, and it was wearing a long white coat
The teenagers couldnI't see its face, but
they could tell that it was not human.

The figure raised its arms, and the
teenagers felt a wave of fear wash over
them. They knew that they had to get out
of there, but they were too scared to
nove. The figure took a step towards
them, and the teenagers screamed.

They turned and ran. They ran through the
abandoned asylum, their hearts pounding
in their chests. They didn't stop running
until they were out of the building and
back in the town.

The teenagers never went back to the
asylum. They told their friends about what
they had seen, but no one believed them.
The rumors about the abandoned asylum
continued, and the teenagers were never
sure if they had really seen a ghost.

But one thing WaS for sure: the abandoned asylum was a place of evil. It was a place where the darkness gathered and a place where no one should ever go.


Short storiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz