Aunt Maddie pulled a small notebook out of her pocket and a pencil. "Let's start then. So, at first there was Lucy, then the tree. Red seeds.. Apples maybe? Then there was the sapphire, egg shaped... Oh I'm hungry. I hope you didn't have dessert without me. Today i should get at least two pieces. Or maybe three."

-----------------time lapse till bed time :D----------------- 

"What happened before was so creepy!" I said. Caroline and Nick were already asleep while I was sitting at the edge of mom's bed and was trying to find a way to tell her my problem. Mom today something happened and I'm afraid it might happen again.

"It was the first time i witness aunt Maddie having a vision." I said.

"It was the first time she was having one during dinner time." she answered, while taking her face cream from the night stand.

"And... Should we listen to what she is saying?" Mum shrugged. "What can i say? You heard how weird they sound. In a way, you can find a meaning to them. Three days before your grandfather died, she had a vision about a black panther jumping on his chest."

"Grandpa died from a heart attack... So it makes sense!"

"I told you they have a meaning. Do you want some face cream?."

"Do you believe in her? Aunt Maddie I mean...and her visions."

"I believe aunt Maddie really sees what she is saying. That doesn't mean that she sees is what will happen in the future. Or that they mean something."

"That I don't understand."

"It's a bit like your ghosts baby. I'm sure you can see them, jut like i believe that aunt Maddie has visions."

"That means that you believe i'm seeing ghosts, but not that they exist?!" I yelled getting up.

"I don't know if they exist. What I believe is something completely different." she said.

"But if they don't exist, that means I'm imagining them. Which means I'm crazy!"

"No." mom said. "It just means that... Oh my love, I don't know. Sometimes I think that in this family everyone has a little wild imagination. And that we would live a lot better if we just believed in what normal people believe."

"Yeah i get it."I said. Maybe it wasn't the best time to tell her the news. Mom, I need to tell you something. Today me and my wild imagination traveled in time.

"Come on, don't act all offended" mom said. "I know there are stuff between the sky and the earth that we can't explain, but there is a possibility that we give more attention to them than we should. I don't believe you or aunt Maddie is crazy. But honestly, do you believe aunt Maddie's vision had something to do with your future?"


"Really? Are you planning on climbing on a tower and sitting on a clock there?"

"of course not. but maybe its metaphorical." 

"Maybe yes, maybe no." mom said. "Now go to bed, love. It was a tiring day." She glanced at her white clock that was resting on her wrist. "Let's hope Charlotte is okay. I really want her to be over with this thing." 

"Maybe Charlotte has a wild imagination too." I said. I got up and kissed mom on the cheek. I would try talking to her tomorrow. Maybe.


"Goodnight, Gwen. I love you."

"Me too, mom."

-----------time lapse (again) till an hour later----------

Love beyond time (book one)Where stories live. Discover now