Chapter 2

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We were eating dinner all together. The food was amazing, but the whole time Brady kept giving me glares or stares and it was getting quite annoying. I gave them back but he never stopped, but I didn't want to be rude so I eventually stopped.

We were eating in silence while the parents were talking to each other.

Mrs. Noon then starts asking me about how soccer is going.

"Um it's going good, the weather has been nice which is good and I enjoy it too," I say as I notice both twins listening tentatively as I make eye contact with both.

Soon we finished dinner, it was delicious. I helped Mrs. Noon clean up as the boys went back to their rooms. I enjoyed spending time with Mrs. Noon. She was like my second mother to me. After we finished cleaning I checked the time and realized it was pretty late so I should head home since I have school tomorrow.

I walked up to Connor's room to let him know I was leaving.

"Hey, I think I'm going to head home because it's late and we have school tomorrow," I tell him.

"Ok, so you need a ride home?" He asks me.

"No, I have my car here because I drove it here early remember silly," I tell him laughing.

"Oh ya, we'll drive home safe, and call or text me when you get home." He says.

" Ok, byeee Connieee." I call him because I know he hates it but I do it anyway.

I walk out of the room and back downstairs, I hear Brady talking to I'm assuming his streamer again. But I walk past it and go downstairs to say bye and thank you before I head out.

I thank both parents for dinner before heading out to my car.

I get in and then start driving home.

After about a couple minutes I finally arrive home, I quickly say hi to my parents before going upstairs to plop on my bed. I was exhausted.

I texted Connor I got home ok before drifting off to sleep.


The next morning comes and I hear my alarm clock going off letting me know to get up.

I didn't want school, I was not in the mood for it but it's ok.

I got ready, I did my morning routine before making myself a bagel before heading out.

I eventually arrive at school and say hi to some other friends before class. I see Connor in the halls so I go over to him to say hi.

"Guess who," I say as I cover his eyes with my hands while I'm on my tippy toes.

"hmmm, Izzy?" He says as he removes my hands to hold on his shoulders.

I walk towards the front to give him a little side hug before I acknowledge who he is with. 

Brady of course, who would have guessed. I glared at him before turning towards Connor to talk to him about his day.

As we were talking I got interrupted, "You know princess you can't just interrupt our conversation just because you can." He says to me calling me that stupid nicknames he always uses on me.

I look up at Connor and see him giving Brady a glare I'm assuming towards the nickname or the way he talks to me. I'm not sure why he would get super angry about it though because it's not the first Brady has done this.

I turn towards Brady to see him giving that stupid smirk he always gives.

"whatever, and don't call me that stupid name. Anyways I'll see you later Connor." I say before I walk off slowly.

"And bye NERD!" I yell at Brady as I flip him off before walking to my locker to grab my things before I start class.

I check my schedule to see what I have before grabbing the things I need for it.

I grab my things before walking to class slowly.

I walk in as the bell rings, I sit towards the back. A seat next to me stays open. The teacher starts talking before someone intrudes. 

"Mr. Noon, what have I told you about being late?" My teacher says.

"Sorry, Mr. Johnson I had to deal with something." He says before sitting down.

Of course, he sits down right next to me, how could I forget Brady was in this class?

He looks at me with that smirk as I roll my eyes.

I just want this class to end, I thought.


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