Piranha Joined The Harmony Notes

Start from the beginning

"Whoa!" Shark exclaimed when he witnessed the incident.

Wolf slowed down the car until he stopped to park on the sidewalk. The Bad Guys were worried about Doug's condition back there as they stuck their heads out at the left windows to check on him.

"Did you see him?" Tarantula asked.

"No. It's like he disappeared," Hornet answered.

"I hope he's okay," Shark said.

Just then, Doug turned out to be okay, only to rub his head after the trip as he popped up at the left backseat window where Shark, Piranha, Tarantula, and Hornet were.

"Like I was saying, how'd you like to join the band?" Doug asked Piranha.

"Really?" The little fish asked excitingly.

"Huh?" Wolf questioned about this

"Yes, sir. Genuine Harmony Notes. What do you say?" Doug inquired, offering this job to him.

"Yeah!" Piranha

"But Piranha, we were gonna have some more fun," Hornet reminded.

Piranha thought it over. He wanted to join a musical band as it was his dream to sing, but he could never abandon his friends out of the blue. He turned to Doug, and asked, "Well, Wolf, Snake, Shark, Webs, and Hornet can be in the band, too, right?

"Well, uh..." Doug didn't plan to have the rest of the group join as he only planned to recruit Piranha.

"These guys are my best friends," Piranha said before holding Hornet in his hand lightly, "And Hornet is my boyfriend."

"Can you guys sing?" Doug asked the rest of the gang.

"Uh..." The Bad Guys hesitated to answer.
Piranha answered the question for them, "'Course they can sing," he turned to his friends, and told them, "Show 'em, chicos!"

The rest of the Bad Guys didn't have any musical experience like Piranha had, but they had to try..., if only they could remember the song from earlier.

Can't stop the feeliiiiiiiiiiing!

Their voice became a loud screech as glass objects started to crack and break, including the Bad Guys' car windows. They all covered their heads to avoid getting hit by shards of glass everywhere.

Even though the gang's voices were terrible, Doug thought they could be useful with something for Piranha and the band, "Hoo-hoo! Here's the good news: You're gonna be part of the entourage-y."

"What's that?" Snake asked.

"That's French," Doug replied, "Means you five get to hang out with our star here, keep him happy," he pointed down to Piranha.

"They do that already. Especially Hornet," Piranha chuckled, making Hornet blush a little while brushing his antenna backward.

"You know, serve some food, clean instruments, fun stuff like that," Doug added.

"That's fun?" Tarantula asked.

"Does Rocki ever groom her hair?" Doug grinned.

"Aw, come on, guys. It's gonna be great!" Piranha insisted his friends to agree.

The rest of the Bad Guys were unsure if this was fun while Piranha would be part of the band. They had plans together as a team tonight... or every day. They would always go together with anything, but with Piranha in the band and they would feel left out, they had to join him, just to keep their friendship steady with him.

Hornet was the most concern. He couldn't keep himself away from Piranha while he was in a band. He just got into a relationship with him, and he had to support him. That's what boyfriends do.

"Well... Okay," Hornet answered, feeling a bit hesitant.

"Guess we're in," Wolf added.

"I'm in too." Snake raised a tail.

Shark and Tarantula only showed a nod of agreement.

"All right, then. Let's get moving," Doug announced as he walked along, probably back to the apartment as the Bad Guys followed him.


Meanwhile, Felina was still in the driver's seat when she saw the Bad Guys passing by through the window doors.

Knowing that Doug might be following them, Felina pushed the lever, opening the door, "Okay!"

"Hey, Felina," Doug greeted her.

"You come crawling back," Felina smirked as she expected Doug to beg for her to win her back.

Doug then walked backward to tell something to Felina, "Oh, by the way, you can't quit. You're fired."

Felina was shocked and angered by this as she yelled, "Oh! What?! You can't fire me! I already quit!" Felina stepped down from the driver's seat, and yelled at Doug at the door, "Doug, you get back...!" But the door automatically closed as Felina's lips were stuck between the door, just like what happened to Doug earlier, "Now you've got me riled."


I hope you like this new chapter. It's one of the funniest chapters of the story so far. Read and comment, please. See you soon!

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