Alternative reality

Start from the beginning

Max: It is hella cold out here.

Chloe: "Hella"? I hate that word, no offense.

Max: None taken.

Max and Chloe turn around and head back towards Chloe's house.
Back at Chloe's.

Max: This is a pretty high-tech lair.

Chloe: Feels like a high-tech cell. But I am lucky my parents bust their ass to take care of me. I know it's hard for them...

Max: They're grateful you are here with them.

Chloe: Right. Especially when they can't even take a walk alone. Sometimes I act like a total teenage brat just to give them an excuse to yell at me. Pathetic, I know.

Max: Chloe, you're a great daughter. You're kind and sensitive, when you don't even have to be.

Chloe: Trust me, I still get my rage on. Especially when a nurse has to watch while I take a dump, so she can wipe my bum. Or when doctors flip me around like I was a science doll...

Max: I can't even imagine... But you're still amazing. You always have been since we were kids.

Chloe: Thanks again for coming, Max. I, uh...need to get my drink on. Can you bring me some water?

Max gets up from her chair.

Max gives Chloe a cup of water on the nightstand.

Max: Drink up, buttercup.

Chloe: Oh man, no wonder my throat is dry. I don't think I've talked this much the whole year.

Max: Have you ever thought about doing a podcast or something?

Chloe: I wish I could punch your face right now. A podcast? Dude, I am a pod in a cast. Boring.

Max: Ouch. It was just a thought...

Chloe: I know you're just trying to help.

Max: Yeah, that's become a bad habit of mine...

Chloe: You sound like an adult now. It seems like we were kids in another life.

Max: You're right... I wish I could take us all the way back there again.

Chloe: Wish I could build us a...DeLorean.

Max: Well, um, with your scientific mind, you might do that. But time travel can screw things up, too...

Chloe: Plus, you'd have to be my live-in assistant to help me build a machine.

Chloe: As you can see, I can't keep all my other friends away.

Max: You have me. I'm not leaving you, Chloe. Chloe: Well, you didn't visit me a lot either. I mean, I loved your cards and photos, but...

Max: I know I wasn't around much. No excuses, I'm a loser. But, I am trying to make things right.

Chloe: How? Dude, you're not Super Max. And I'm not trying to guilt-trip you. That's what my parents are for...

Max: They love you so much. Chloe: I know. My mom and dad are so cute. They always pop in here and make sure everything's okay with me. I think Joyce and William are incredible.

Chloe: Max, the accident has been so hard on them. Our insurance sucks and the medical bills are fucking insane.

Max: I bet. This tech must be crazy expensive.

Chloe: Along with the drugs, the nurses, the supplies... Mom and Dad are always broke and they get so frustrated... Is it worth it?

Max: Chloe, you're priceless. Uh, no pun intended.

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