Chapter 5

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As we drove along the highway, the sound of classical music filled my ears. Although it sounded as though it was supposed to relax me, I couldn't help but feel on edge, having minor heart palpitations as I sat in Hannibal's car.

Every once in a while, I could see him looking over at me, almost as though he was checking that I hadn't somehow escaped. For the entire car ride, I continued to look out of the window, watching as large silhouettes thrashed in the wind outside, leaves and small branches flying overhead. Although the silence between us felt uncomfortable, I couldn't bring myself to make small talk. Besides, he didn't seem like the type.

The oh-so-familiar streets pulled into view as we entered my small town, headlights from taxis zipping past as tourists made their way back to their accommodation for the night.

"I didn't realise that your town was so popular." A deep voice sounded from beside me, pulling me from my trance.
"Oh, uhh, yeah," I stammered, "there's lots of nature trails around here so, we get tourists throughout the year."
He looked over at me momentarily, before slowing down to pull into my street. "Does it ever get annoying? Always having strangers in your neighbourhood?"

I contemplated for a moment, wondering how I actually felt about the tourists. "On the one hand, they bring in a shit tonne of money to the local small businesses so, can't really be mad at them for that." Lecter lightly chuckled from beside me, driving slowly as he searched for my house number. "But I guess it's kind of annoying sometimes... tourists can have a habit of being obnoxious."

Hannibal made a small sound of agreement as he pulled into my driveway, causing me to have a small sigh of relief - finally I was able to escape from his psychiatric judgement.
He switched off the engine, jumping from the car before I could even unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my belongings, suddenly appearing outside my door and opening it for me.

I was slightly taken aback at his gentlemanly manner, shyly stepping out from the car whilst clutching my bag to myself. "Thank you, Dr. Lecter." I expressed with genuine gratitude.
"My pleasure, Ms. Gibbs." Hannibal smiled whilst holding his head highly, almost feeling proud of himself for helping me to get home.

As he shut the car door, I felt a twinge of guilt from causing him to drive all the way out here to get me home. I could have just waited for breakdown to pick me up, get a rental for a couple days whilst they fix it up and then be on my way. Instead, he helped me. Like a stupid fucking gentlemen.

"Umm..." I began, scratching the side of my forehead as I slightly cringed at the thought of offering solace to one of the people who I hate, "since you came all this way for me, would you like to come in?" I asked. He pulled a face of slight amusement as I continued to invite him into my home. "It will be a long drive back and, I have Chicken Katsu which needs eating so..."

Hannibal turned his body to the side, his eyes studying my house, before turning back to me, "I would be delighted, as long as it is no imposition-"
"No, no, not at all, but I'm no Gordon Ramsey so please, just... don't get your hopes up." I giggled to myself, hoping that he wouldn't expect some Michelin star meal waiting for him.
"I'm sure that whatever you have prepared will be exquisite, Ms. Gibbs." Hannibal smiled down at me encouragingly.
"Oh, please, we're not in session anymore... you can call me y/n." I exclaimed as I walked up my porch steps, fiddling to find the right key as they jangled in my hands.

He had no response to my request, but I tried to brush it off as I pushed the door to enter my house, holding it open for Hannibal to enter.

I flicked on the small lamp stood on top of the light wooden cabinet in my hallway, a small clink sound as I set my keys down in a small ceramic bowl. I took of my coat, hanging it from the tall coat hanger next to the door. I then gently leaned against one wall with my hand, whilst I lifted one leg and pulled my heel off with the other hand, doing the same again with my other shoe. I then gently placed my shoes on a small rack next to the cabinet, before sliding on my slippers.

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