Chapter 4

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"Okay, before I start, please promise me that you'll just let me finish and hear me out before you go jump to conclusions like you normally do."

Bev stared in annoyance, pursing her lips together has she slowly nodded in acceptance.
"Okay. Firstly, I know that I haven't told you yet, and I have been meaning to let you know, but I decided to transfer my treatment with Dr. Bloom to be under the care of Dr. Lecter."

Her mouth dropped open, fighting not to shout and scream at me. I could see her eyes tightening, in a concoction of disgusts, confusion and annoyance.

"And, I didn't tell you because... I was worried that you wouldn't agree with my decision- BUT," I raised my voice as Beverly attempted to interrupt me, probably saying something along the lines of "of course I wouldn't agree because you're insane".
"But... I've noticed that something is different with Will since he's been under Lecter's care, and of course we both have an uneasy feeling about Hannibal so I guess I just thought, hey, why not kill two birds with one stone?"

I could see on her face that she was slowly figuring out my plan, but before I let her speak, I began to talk again. "So I decided that I would turn myself into Will as much as possible, as in becoming one of Hannibal's patients. Seeing how he works, trying to figure him out from the inside."

I picked under my nails as I continued to explain the events of the past few days, "the only thing is, last night, after I came home from our first session, I had this dream. Or at least, I thought it was a dream?" I could already feel my hands becoming clammy and my neck starting to sweat as I thought of the dream.

"What was the dream about?" Beverly questioned, an air of seriousness smothering her tone.

"Well," I began, swallowing a large lump in my throat, "I was on the ground, and Hannibal was there, stood in front of me with this great big axe. And he hauled it over his head and then down onto me." I looked towards her, her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes flickering in deep thought. "And then I was trying to scramble away towards my car but, he pulled me back along the floor."

I could feel my throat tightening up, thinking about how frightening it must have been to be the real victim, not just in some silly dream. "And then he pulled me by the hair, sort of lifting me up, before he sliced open my throat." Sweat dripped along my back, my hands sticking to Nala's fur a little bit, making me wipe them on my lounge pants. "And all I could see was his face. He was just staring down at me. And then before I knew it I was awake."

Beverly stared in bewilderment, unable to move her entire body. She slowly pulled out from her trance, trying to make sense of what I had told her. "So, you're telling me, that not only have you decided to be under Lecters care without talking to me, not only have you had some weird ass dream about Lecter killing you, but you also-"
"I also came into work and found out that my dream was in fact a reality, yes." I interrupted, my hands raking through my hair as I hung my head low. "Which is why I was so freaked out. I mean, down to even the smallest details like the glass in my fingers and the way that his neck was cut, everything was so precise."

"Jesus," Beverly leaned back on my couch, deeply sighing, "honestly I still can't get over the fact that you didn't even bother to fucking tell me that you're under Dr. Lecter's care?"

Her shouting took me back slightly, my eyebrows furrowing in defence, "I'm sorry, okay! I didn't know how to bring it up and, and I knew that if I told you on the phone you'd be annoyed it wasn't in person, but I couldn't tell you at work because people would ask questions so, you know, I just had to wait it out."

She quickly calmed down, her anger being swiftly replaced with a look of concern, "y/n, I really don't want to see you get hurt, okay? And as much as that dream might have just been a dream... if we're right about Lecter and he is dangerous, it could very quickly become a reality."

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